UPDATE: Nov. 27th, 2016
I've given up naming these since it seems we have updates almost daily now as we get feedback from users here. Haha.
Anyway, this update is mainly to address a question we had in some other threads about temperature 'dipping' and whether or not this could be built into the Hex-Nail's feature set. There's a lot of info after that, too. Keep reading.
The short answer is: We already have this feature implemented and achievable in a couple of ways.
The long answer is:
The most obvious solution for this is, disabling the heater while the unit is still on. The Hex-Nail has Coil On/Off Capabilities are controllable via whatever means you like. Apps, Wi-Fi via a browser, Bluetooth, Touchscreen, etc.
Thus achieving the desired effect by turning off the heater and allowing the temperature to drop to a desired level before re-enabling it (manually) and having it start to rise once again.
[Example: Set temp. @ 650, cut power to your heater, wait for it to reach 550, re-activate power to your heater and start the dab as the temperature then rises. as it normally would.]
We personally think that's a pretty involved way of getting this change to happen. So we'll do you one better.
We will be expanding our already implemented 'Glob Mode' feature (seen briefly in the video above, more on that later.) to include completely customizable user preset 'Shifts' (which can be set and changed by the user at any time).
You will be able to make a new preset for a temporary 'Shift' in temperature (in EITHER direction), for a user set period of time (and user set temperature variation). You will also be able to choose how each shift starts and ends. Want it to go up in temp, then down? Done. Want it to down, then up? No problem. Want it to go up and stay? Fine.
Needless to say there will be a deep rabbit hole when it comes to playing with the 'Shift' options.
Here's some of the raw melt footage from the 'Glob Mode' promo we shot 2 days ago. Pay attention to the bottom left hexagon (illuminated, teardrop).
[Example: When the video starts, it's counting down from 15. When it's done it fades back to show the actual settings for the preset. In this case (re: software version), it reads '30+25'. This means that when activated, the Hex-Nail pushes as hard as it can to increase your temperature by 30 degrees for 25 seconds. Once it reaches the end of the timer, your temperature starts to once again fall to your set temp.]
The Bloodwood has been extremely popular (our best-seller, so far, in fact)
It's a very vibrant red with a wide, darker red-ish brown grain. It's a bit trickier to mill than most of the other options (it smells pretty good during milling though). It's super dense, but surprisingly prone to splintering. We have to be super careful during the first sanding/assembly steps or we end up with some pretty pricey scraps.
It's incredibly smooth when finished. It almost feels like glass after the waxing/buffing steps. The edges end up slightly more rounded than some of the woods just due to the way the wood sands (and the fact our enclosures are hand-finished).
Lots of 'depth' in the grain appears in the right light and changes depending on your viewing angle. It's also fairly chatoyant (re: reflective due to parallel grain patterns).
I'll have more info on the others when I finish writing the full blog post about woods, but for now...take these.
Little late on this, but here's the breakdown again.
Red: Current (Coil) Temp / Faded / Value: Changing
Orange: Current (Nail/Coil) Temp / Illuminated / Value: Changing
Green: Set (Nail) Temp / Illuminated / Value: Locked
You can choose to either track to the COIL or the NAIL temperature (and switch between them as you choose). Once you choose which to track to that value lights up (in this case, I've chosen to track to the nail temp, so it is brighter) and DOES NOT CHANGE as long as it remains selected.
Since I've chosen to track to the nail, the middle number (orange) is now the current nail temp. The Hex-Nail will do it's best to keep this temperature the same as my set nail temp (green). Similar to your standard Set/Current PID interface.
Since I'm not tracking to the COIL right now, that temperature is faded but it DOES update in real-time. If you switched to coil tracking it would become illuminated and LOCKED. Moving your current coil temp to the center and fading out your NAIL temp (which will then update in real-time).
It's really interesting to watch the 2 'real-time' numbers change independently of each other. Nail temp drops 2 degrees the coil temp may jump up 4 degrees to try to bring it back up.
I feel like this seems more complicated without movement but if you watch the close-up frames in the Glob Promo I think you'll get a handle on it pretty quickly. There's a few long shots in there that really show the functionality.
My personal favorite is Padauk, for what it's worth. I've been obsessed with this wood since we built our very first prototype with it. I'm a Leatherworker as well and my Every Day Carry aesthetic is essentially Weathered Brown Leather, Padauk, and Brass custom everything.
Stands are, in fact, in the works. It was something we saw coming from a mile away when we shot the first videos. It just makes sense. There will be a few options for materials on those. Don't want to give too much away until we finalize each design but I'll say this...
Choose your wood carefully. 
Pebble integration is not currently planned, but we'll certainly look into it after we ship our first run. We'd have to take a look at their SDK and Dev. tools before we go making any promises.
(Oh, and apologies for the previous post not being multi-replied on the one before it. My bad. Please delete it if necessary, mods.)