The last piece of the puzzle for me.
Tamping the load.
Looking inside the the top it has angled parts that mate with the bowl. It makes a seal. I have had herb stuck in there causing the top to not to go on all the way. Then, it can not seal. It's a pretty piece of work. My problem is the upper screen is too high, so you CANT pack it.
If you fill the bowl to the top when you put the top on, it's a little above the load. Si there is space and the herb can float around and let the hot air go by to make a

hot unit and still green herb.
It just happens I read here an S&B dosing capsules fits in the tip. It does. I put it facing down so the outside of the cup faces the herb.
The same thing in the bottom Size adjustable which way you put the lid in.
Top always faces down. Bottom does only changes size of bowl.
Reloaded. Packed it like last time.
Used the Paramour with same settings.
I had to turn it down to 250 because it was too hot.
I then finished the bowl without stirring. It was spent.
A few green specs. No black specs. The whole shrunk bowl. Meaning the top S&B dosing capsule taking up some of the bowl room.
No temp read out like on the Evic, so I counted to 8, then repushed the button .
Draw as long as you want, if it times out, let go and repush QUICKLY because the coils cool off fast.
So 2 bowls, still 1/2 battery of a 21700 in the Paramour by gauge.
Preheat every draw....... Its working for me. Going to soak everything now that I no longer combust.
I took Herbie for a walk to the grocery strore. 11*f outside. Worked great.
Wife has been calling Herbie a hand warmer since I got it.
If I was going to send you a kit, it would have extra better screens top and bottom. I would include a low profile coil and my little deflector. A longer mouth piece. I burned my lips too many times.
Problem Resolved