I received my 2nd order today! it feels good

My Terpedo is operational again!!
My tolerance has increased lately and my vaporizers are not knocking me out as well as I would like...
Well... I took a big slap
I have a favorite vaporizer that is necessarily on the 1st step of the podium... out of competition. well the Terpedo kicks his ass. it really hurts me to write it but it's the truth. (Édit : I only use portable vaporizers)
I always use hemp fiber filters with...the chamber size is way too big for me! I reduce it by about half with the fiber. but even there, I get an incredible number of draws!
I think the vape experience offered here is what could help smokers the most to switch to vaping! the flavor, vapor density and quantity of vapor are exceptional! (but the fact that it's made of glass and that you have to use a "flamethrower" to heat it will put off the vast majority of my smoking friends...)
I don't use it every day but I really missed it!!!
I ordered a quartz cap as well...thinking it would be compatible with my 14mm stem. but I hadn't seen that on the stem supplied with the quartz cap, there were notches!! so I put an o-ring diagonally so that the quartz cap rests on it and, it's not ideal, but it works! If I had paid more attention, I would have taken the deluxe kit!
But it will make a very good backup for my terpedo
I haven't tried the j-hook yet, nor the spiral hook because it's for the lotus...I already know that the spiral one won't suit me. but I plan to test it with my Toad. The restriction may well please me! as for the j-hook, my main concern is finding something to store it in...i hadn't had a piece this bulky before!
ah and damn the Quebec and Canadian taxes... on an order at 100 CAD, they told me 47% taxes... I finally paid "only" 37% taxes...
luckily my order made me more than satisfied because the pill had trouble getting through!
come on, it's so good... I'm going back