Glass Vapes From The Rogue Wax Works


Well-Known Member
Not sure about that. Are you grinding or using whole nugs? They could in theory keep releasing terps I guess, but this sounds different insofar as it's really just one vape and it's prolonged throughout the bowl. There's nothing about the material or the method that's terribly different from the elev8r, though I guess the geometry of the path could have some influence? But the elev8r's just as direct, really....
I use a medium grind. I can take the same herb, same grind in the Elev8r and get what I think of as a normal experience. That same bud in the Terpcicle will set my nose off to a crazy tingle, and no, it's not just in the beginnings of the bowl. It also may get me higher than the Elev8r. Idk what it is, but the Terpcicle smacks me around a bit. I don't even mean for this post to be a complaint as I love the Terpcicle and have already replaced it once and quickly would again. It's just something that happens to me that is very unique to this vape and I wondered if others shared the same experience.


Well-Known Member
I use a medium grind. I can take the same herb, same grind in the Elev8r and get what I think of as a normal experience. That same bud in the Terpcicle will set my nose off to a crazy tingle, and no, it's not just in the beginnings of the bowl. It also may get me higher than the Elev8r. Idk what it is, but the Terpcicle smacks me around a bit. I don't even mean for this post to be a complaint as I love the Terpcicle and have already replaced it once and quickly would again. It's just something that happens to me that is very unique to this vape and I wondered if others shared the same experience.
Yeah, it's crazy. I hope it's more enjoyable than not in the balance. These glass vapes are awesome and RWW's done everyone a favor I feel by making this variety available for a great price, really an awesome opportunity for newbs to try things out and and get a feel for various approaches while really getting a peak experience. I've been reading everyone loving their Terpsicles (even through the pain :razz:). I'm gonna get one when they're stocked.


Well-Known Member
@AbidingInNM the only thing I can think of is that its the conduction nature of it. All electric conduction vapes really bother the back of my throat and makes me cough like cray. The main reason I havent bought a Mighty. Unfortunately it just might not be the vape for you
Oh no, sir! I love this vape. I have a lot from RWW and love them all. I'd buy another today if I broke it. Here is where I'm leaning. It's a very pure and very hard hitting vape. Now I'm not sure why it's worse on this than it is the Elev8r, but maybe that's some of the conduction you were talking about. I have other very hard hitting vapes, but I don't think any of them are quite same overall "purity" of the Terpcicle. I think it's just bringing them terps in such an intense way that it makes my eye water at times. No matter, she's here to stay.


Well-Known Member
@AbidingInNM the only thing I can think of is that its the conduction nature of it. All electric conduction vapes really bother the back of my throat and makes me cough like cray. The main reason I havent bought a Mighty. Unfortunately it just might not be the vape for you
As you can see from the first line, I didn't realize who I was replying to...and I blame your vapes for that. Lol

olysh pops

Well-Known Member
Wow, the Quartz Cap, what an impressive vaporizer !

With classic hash on glass balls for a great extraction :




Thanks for your work @RogueGuy

Haze Mister

Verdant Bloomer
So I've been using the Terpcicle for quite a while now, and I love it, but I also am curious about something. The Terpcicle hits super hard and the effects are ridiculous, but I also get a lot of nose/throat tickle irritation. Not sure exactly how to describe it, but it's not just normal irritation and coughing from vaping, this is a signature unique to this vaporizer for me. I use mostly manual vapes and have all kinds. I own and use a multitude of vapes, and none of them hit my nose with the burn that I get from the Terpcicle. Is this normal? People don't seem to be affected by it the way that I am in the videos I've seen. Just wondering if anyone has any input regarding this?
Try these:

1- Use a bubbler
2- Remove all metal from the hot air path (use glass screen)
3- Do shorter inhalations
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Well-Known Member

olysh pops

Well-Known Member
So I've been using the Terpcicle for quite a while now, and I love it, but I also am curious about something. The Terpcicle hits super hard and the effects are ridiculous, but I also get a lot of nose/throat tickle irritation. Not sure exactly how to describe it, but it's not just normal irritation and coughing from vaping, this is a signature unique to this vaporizer for me. I use mostly manual vapes and have all kinds. I own and use a multitude of vapes, and none of them hit my nose with the burn that I get from the Terpcicle. Is this normal? People don't seem to be affected by it the way that I am in the videos I've seen. Just wondering if anyone has any input regarding this?
In addition to @Haze Mister 's answer, lowering the bowl temperature is also a way to soften the steam in my experience. Heating the bowl one second less can change the steam from irritating to tolerable. And vice versa.

Or an astronaut? We're just floating around here evolving.
Astronaut ? Yes, with cHALgpt please :whoa:
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Well-Known Member
hey @RogueGuy

I hope all is well with you !
I was wondering if the "dwarf terpedo" project was still relevant?
The outer glass of my terpedo og is cracking and I think it won't be usable soon...
And it's a vaporizer that I'm going to need to replace! I don't use it every day but I need to have one 😁

and I was also wondering if you do custom orders...?
just a straight stem (14mm outer diameter) with a tapered mouthpiece with a glass screen...

thank you in advance for your return 💚

olysh pops

Well-Known Member
I have a side question.
I don't understand the meaning of the acronym TRWW (english is not my first language). I think Rogue is the name of the place of manufacture (Rogue River, Rogue Mountain). Works maybe a factory. Wax, I don't really understand, usually bees use wax. Can this word "wax" also mean "glass" ?
Thank you for your insights


Well-Known Member
I have a side question.
I don't understand the meaning of the acronym TRWW (english is not my first language). I think Rogue is the name of the place of manufacture (Rogue River, Rogue Mountain). Works maybe a factory. Wax, I don't really understand, usually bees use wax. Can this word "wax" also mean "glass" ?
Thank you for your insights
I think it refers to concentrate wax. His dab tools(and other tools) are very popular.


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
I have a side question.
I don't understand the meaning of the acronym TRWW (english is not my first language). I think Rogue is the name of the place of manufacture (Rogue River, Rogue Mountain). Works maybe a factory. Wax, I don't really understand, usually bees use wax. Can this word "wax" also mean "glass" ?
Thank you for your insights

The Rogue Wax Warrior

And "wax" has become a generic/slang term for concentrates/hash like shatter/resin/rosin.


Well-Known Member
3- Do shorter inhalations
I have to thank you for this advice. I was having a real problem, even using a bubbler. I'd start coughing on my second hit and have to stop – and twenty minutes or so after the session I'd feel a dry patch in my throat that was really annoying. But looking at your post I realized that I was taking in way too much vapor, trying to make the longest inhalations possible. I always did monster hits, going way back to my days of combustion – 1968 - 2015. So I set up a mirror behind my bubbler so I could actually see the vape production. This really helped! It gave me the psychological assurance that I was, indeed, inhaling a decent amount of vapor, which was confirmed by sight instead of just trying to empty the bowl and completely fill my lungs. Putting a pass through on the bubbler helped as well. I used to have this problem with my old Flowerpot as well – the vapor was hotter and the production was greater than with my portables – but I never connected the coughing specifically to long inhalations! Duh!

Haze Mister

Verdant Bloomer
inhaling a decent amount of vapor, which was confirmed by sight instead of just trying to empty the bowl and completely fill my lungs. Putting a pass through on the bubbler helped as well. I used to have this problem with my old Flowerpot as well – the vapor was hotter and the production was greater than with my portables – but I never connected the coughing specifically to long inhalations! Duh!
One of the reasons I switched to injector ball vapes is that they can produce very dense vapor, so it is possible to have a very satisfying session without long, throat drying tokes. :tup:

Monk Debate

The monks do be debatin’
I noticed the Quartz Cap was in stock so I grabbed a 14mm. I’ve been looking for something with more conduction as most of my vapes at this point are heavily convection biased and sometimes I want that kick in the face I get from conduction. Looking forward to trying it out!


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@olysh glad you are liking it. Wish there was some of that "Old World" Hash around here. Its amazing the difference a few seconds of the torch can make. And as far as TRWW goes, others response is correct. I started out making dab tools. Im considering changing my name to "The Rogue Vape Works" which would be more appropriate

@kilo glad others suggestions are helping. Definitly start slow, im getting really big clouds and extraction without dark ABV. If I go dark, my lungs really feel it.

@ShayWhiteGrow thanks for the video. I need to figure out how/where I can share these

@Monk Debate the 14mm QC is super conduction oriented. Hopefully it will scratch your itch.

Terpcicles will be back in stock Friday. I also now have some quartz heaters for 18mm V-Sticks and will be offering replacement heaters and full devices. I have some Quartz SmokeStack Heaters that will now be standard. In my next run, maybe 2 months out, I will be bringing back the Terpcicle Mini with a quartz heater and maybe the Terpedo

A completely new project I have been working on is a Quartz heater for the Vapcap. Since the Quartz Cap was inspired by the Vapcap, I thought one day, why not try a QC style heater on a VC? And here we are!


There are 2 sizes, on the left is 1.25mm thick, 10.5mm ID. It works great for heat and hit temp stepping. On the right is 2mm thick with 11mm ID. Its great for one hit extraction. They both greatly improve airflow and convection. I have been testing glass versions of these for more than a month and have come to really enjoy them. The quartz works just as well if not better. I will have these available starting Friday. Im looking for feedback and to see how people are using them. Here are some demo vids

One Hit Extraction

Dip N Sip
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Monk Debate

The monks do be debatin’
@olysh glad you are liking it. Wish there was some of that "Old World" Hash around here. Its amazing the difference a few seconds of the torch can make. And as far as TRWW goes, others response is correct. I started out making dab tools. Im considering changing my name to "The Rogue Vape Works" which would be more appropriate

@kilo glad others suggestions are helping. Definitly start slow, im getting really big clouds and extraction without dark ABV. If I go dark, my lungs really feel it.

@ShayWhiteGrow thanks for the video. I need to figure out how/where I can share these

@Monk Debate the 14mm QC is super conduction oriented. Hopefully it will scratch your itch.

Terpcicles will be back in stock Friday. I also now have some quartz heaters for 18mm V-Sticks and will be offering replacement heaters and full devices. I have some Quartz SmokeStack Heaters that will now be standard. In my next run, maybe 2 months out, I will be bringing back the Terpcicle Mini with a quartz heater and maybe the Terpedo

A completely new project I have been working on is a Quartz heater for the Vapcap. Since the Quartz Cap was inspired by the Vapcap, I thought one day, why not try a QC style heater on a VC? And here we are!


There are 2 sizes, on the left is 1.25mm thick, 10.5mm ID. It works great for heat and hit temp stepping. On the right is 2mm thick with 11mm ID. Its great for one hit extraction. They both greatly improve airflow. I have been testing glass versions of these for more than a month and have come to really enjoy them. The quartz works just as well if not better. I will have these available starting Friday. Im looking for feedback and to see how people are using them. Here are some demo vids

One Hit Extraction

Dip N Sip
I love the look of these and will definitely be ordering when they’re available!


Well-Known Member
@olysh glad you are liking it. Wish there was some of that "Old World" Hash around here. Its amazing the difference a few seconds of the torch can make. And as far as TRWW goes, others response is correct. I started out making dab tools. Im considering changing my name to "The Rogue Vape Works" which would be more appropriate

@kilo glad others suggestions are helping. Definitly start slow, im getting really big clouds and extraction without dark ABV. If I go dark, my lungs really feel it.

@ShayWhiteGrow thanks for the video. I need to figure out how/where I can share these

@Monk Debate the 14mm QC is super conduction oriented. Hopefully it will scratch your itch.

Terpcicles will be back in stock Friday. I also now have some quartz heaters for 18mm V-Sticks and will be offering replacement heaters and full devices. I have some Quartz SmokeStack Heaters that will now be standard. In my next run, maybe 2 months out, I will be bringing back the Terpcicle Mini with a quartz heater and maybe the Terpedo

A completely new project I have been working on is a Quartz heater for the Vapcap. Since the Quartz Cap was inspired by the Vapcap, I thought one day, why not try a QC style heater on a VC? And here we are!


There are 2 sizes, on the left is 1.25mm thick, 10.5mm ID. It works great for heat and hit temp stepping. On the right is 2mm thick with 11mm ID. Its great for one hit extraction. They both greatly improve airflow and convection. I have been testing glass versions of these for more than a month and have come to really enjoy them. The quartz works just as well if not better. I will have these available starting Friday. Im looking for feedback and to see how people are using them. Here are some demo vids

One Hit Extraction

Dip N Sip
I like the concept and with a all glass add-a-cap would be nice I‘m thinking, but this too dangerous for me. I would think keeping it upright in a j-hook would be my preferred method. I minimize my use of a torch already, so this would be something I try to avoid. You do great stuff though, keep it up. :bowdown:
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