Whilst I love the concept, I personally find the function leaving a lot to be desired with my premium.
Specifically, if I don't equally distribute my herb around the grinder plate, applying pressure often leads to an imbalance when twisting which causes the lid to bind at the least supported side and makes it functionally difficult/damages the finish.
Using an very light twist seems to rectify this at the cost of spending several minutes gently milling.
There's definitely a good chance it's my technique, though I have tried several approaches to changing that and feel for something that touts a simple design, the intuitiveness seems to be lacking.
Finally, regarding customer service; once I started hearing about the issue with metal dust and being able to order a free set of friction rings, I immediately jumped on that offer!
Unfortunately, after several months of waiting, I hadn't received them. So I shot an email over and after several more weeks received an apology and was informed a second set had been sent out.
Several more months down the line and I've still received nothing, which has further reinforced my lack of confidence in using my Flowermill.
All in all, I'd say the "grinder" itself feels incredibly premium with a perfectly balanced weight and beautifully smooth threads, though in actual function whilst it is very capable of milling with almost perfect consistency, the action leaves a lot to be desired and the friction of the lid along with findings regarding metal dust is extremely off-putting.