me foolish ! I v placed the battery in the charger in the wrong direction and left it inside for few hours before finding out it was not it doesn't charge any more...always on red...any tip to recover it or I should just put it in the trash ? So stupid abt me...but you know after an heavy medication it can the way the FV guys should put in the box with new Vap one page with some tip regarding the battery. How to charge them etc...they axplain so well how to inhale but not even a line regrading the batteries which is kind of important to learn. Beside this I think FV is really a great tool...far better then all previous one I v had. Cheers
I did that myself once. That battery is permanently expired. Where I live, we take those to a toxic waste facility and if you can, you should do the same. All batteries of all kinds should be sent to toxic waste and not just dumped in the trash.
I agree about the battery care instructions, and given that FlashVAPE is usually quite receptive to this kind of suggestion, I think you might see such a thing in the near future.