
Well-Known Member
I broke one of the stems also.
an emory board, and a few seconds at the heat of a mini torch and all was fixed!

Cool, good to know.
I haven't broke one YET. I just thought this was a good time to get a few extras along with my S2 upgrade kit order. Now with all the extras I'll have, I'll leave the stems everywhere I vape and won't have to carry one with the unit. Let's see, one in the car, workshop, garage, shed, family room, bedroom, etc.


Well-Known Member
Now that I think of it, the FV kind of looks like a juggling pin...hmmm, two or three and we can get an act going.
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Someones always watching..
Man this vape looks promising..I was planning on buying it last week but planet vape was down...I got a tiny bubbler instead.Its funny how things happen.When you realize what you wanted has been right infront of you.And you can see things for what they are.The instant heat up time, It only cooks when you want(lower odor), easy to maintain,portable and familiar.This upgrade is a true transformation. All roads lead to flashvape.Its like a magic lamp, and Im having a disney moment...Soon as my taxes are in your mine


I can't seem to get over the kinda silly design, although I see why it was chosen. The S2 addon... well I can't deny the clouds Vito put out. Real quick, too!

Vito... am I seeing some pronounced cheek lines? Might need to slow down a bit on the food... or not :tup:


What's up guys! I'm very new to these forums, and can already tell that I'll soon become an avid member. I don't know how I'd never participated in these within the last few years, but always. I just recently started a review channel on YouTube. I think you guys might like my FlashVAPE video.​
I hope you guys enjoy my review. I feel like I need to add that I'm getting the FlashVAPE Stage-2 modification kit within these next two weeks. From Vito's video, I have no doubt this mod will take the FlashVAPE to the next level. I'll be posting an updated modification video as soon as I get it and get a good feel for it!​

natural farmer

Well-Known Member
What's up guys! I'm very new to these forums, and can already tell that I'll soon become an avid member. I don't know how I'd never participated in these within the last few years, but always. I just recently started a review channel on YouTube. I think you guys might like my FlashVAPE video.​
I hope you guys enjoy my review. I feel like I need to add that I'm getting the FlashVAPE Stage-2 modification kit within these next two weeks. From Vito's video, I have no doubt this mod will take the FlashVAPE to the next level. I'll be posting an updated modification video as soon as I get it and get a good feel for it!​

Very nice production mate! Bravo! :clap:

FlashVAPE and efficient !
What's up guys! I'm very new to these forums, and can already tell that I'll soon become an avid member. I don't know how I'd never participated in these within the last few years, but always. I just recently started a review channel on YouTube. I think you guys might like my FlashVAPE video.​
I hope you guys enjoy my review. I feel like I need to add that I'm getting the FlashVAPE Stage-2 modification kit within these next two weeks. From Vito's video, I have no doubt this mod will take the FlashVAPE to the next level. I'll be posting an updated modification video as soon as I get it and get a good feel for it!​

Welcome to FC, and the FV thread!

Very nice vid indeed! :clap: cheers! Im really looking forward to the S-2 vid too!


Well-Known Member
I admit to not liking it when I first saw a photo...but once I had it in my hands, it just takes on another form. It has a really beautiful, retro science fiction look that can really be passed off as a flashlight at a glance. And the build is phenomenal.


Well-Known Member
Lucky I 'm! I wasn't too impatient...Was going to order it with a double charger and 2 more batteries.

Even if i can see the evolution i do have difficulties to understand how does it do pure convection with this "simple" gap?
Also was wondering about the battery life in comparaison to normal batteries.

Anyway...i'm gonna jump on it!
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Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Lucky I 'm! I wasn't too impatient...Was going to order it with a double charger and 2 more batteries.

Even if i can see the evolution i do have difficulties to understand how does it do pure convection with this "simple" gap?
Also was wondering about the battery life in comparaison to normal batteries.

Anyway...i'm gonna jump on it!

It's pretty simple and in my opinion, brilliant. By raising the tabbed screen, the screen and load are removed from direct heating. All the heat on the load is either radiant or by convection created when you inhale. Given how short the actual power on time is even with long hits, the radiant effect is minimal.

I'm not sure what you mean by "normal batteries" but if you mean the original 3.2V stock batteries, those are only 1400 mAh. The new batteries have larger capacity (2250 mAh) but you use more power with the S2 kit so they pretty much offset each other. In my experience the battery life is about the same.

Disclaimer: I actually haven't used the batteries that are shipping with the S2 kit. The batteries I tested with have been discontinued, but the replacements have the same specs so I expect them to perform the same.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for explaining again ;) ! Maybe will help some others like me, hehe..

I was just curious cause the draw technique and power-on time seems ~ the same... (the one vito use : power on 5sec,draw few sec, power off,continue draw, exhale).

In fact, it's simply the power which make FV run hotter so, for same time/technique you get more vapor extracted? (I got it ? :brow:). Then the raised screen help everythings to avoid combustion?

Sorry i'm not (yet) vaporist scientist. And as said before, i'm simply confused how a "simple" improve can get you there.

I just hope i won't rage when i will have to switch from 3.7 V to 3.2V stock batteries. I guess for that the deal is to manage first the 3.2 V batteries technique (easier to combust) and then switch to 3.7 when the first one are mastered.
Anyway i guess i won't have a problem to jump from the bike to the supermoto!

Is it possible to ship to Europe? If so I am in
It is! I'm going to and some others already did !
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Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Thanks for explaining again ;) ! Maybe will help some others like me, hehe..

I was just curious cause the draw technic and power-on time seems ~ the same... (the one vito use : power on 5sec,draw few sec, power off,continue draw, exhale).

In fact, it's simply the power which make FV run hotter so, for same time/technic you get more vapor extracted? (I got it ? :brow:). Then the raised screen help everythings to avoid combustion?

Sorry i'm not (yet) vaporist scientist. And as said before, i'm simply confused how a "simple" improve can get you there.

I just hope i won't rage when i will have to switch from 3.7 V to 3.2V stock batteries. I guess for that the deal is to manage first the 3.2 V batteries technic (easier to combust) and then switch to 3.7 when the first one are mastered.
Anyway i guess i won't have a problem to jump from the bike to the supermoto!

You've basically understood it. As for switching batteries, I'm not sure what you mean, but I think you're talking about switching from 3.2V battery conduction to 3.7V battery convection. If you get the S2 kit, then you should start with it because it is much easier to master.

If you mean switching batteries but still using the S2 spacer, the original 3.2V battery isn't powerful enough to work well with the S2 kit so that's not a real option. It takes a long time to get vapour and you can't get much.

If you mean using the 3.7V batteries without the S2 spacer (conduction mode) I advise against that, although you can make it work. You absolutely must learn to control them and yes, then it would be best to start with the 3.2V techniques and make sure you learn those first.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't going to use S2 spacer with 3.2V batteries, don't worry! BTW Sorry for mistakes in english, it's not my native language and i'm not switching my laptop to english mode (mistakes in red underlines).

Just meant that it will be better/easier for me to master the most difficult first. Then go to the easier to enjoy fully! Instead of trying the easier technique first and then combust with 3.2V battery ...
Thanks again!


Vito... am I seeing some pronounced cheek lines?
I weighed 151 for 40 years.
Two years ago, my lower colon was removed, and I weighed 119.
I fought to , gain weight, but it took a long time... 26 months...
... but as of 90 days ago, I am back at 151... on the nose.
You guys just met me while I was still fighting a battle to regain my weight.
I am back at fighting weight now~


Well-Known Member
Another great review just came online from our newest dealer:

The FV is really gaining momentum :)
Nice! I just hope reviewers get the Stage 2 kit, so they can see how awesome the FV can really get!

Also, I'm pretty confident that I'm going to be pulling the trigger on the FV with the stage 2 kit, but most likely in a month or two. I really enjoy being able to heat up and take a single hit whenever I want with my VG, so this seems like the next logical progression. Large bowl, great clouds, solid build quality, nice taste, good battery life, and very reasonable price. I think this is the vape for me! :D


Well-Known Member
Ordered me up a black one on 2/12 at FV site. Shipped that day, but as I figured was gonna happen, went right on past me in Seattle (I probably drove past it on I-5 on Tuesday) and went to customs in San Francisco on 2/14. Eagerly awaiting it's arrival…
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