Hi guys, gals and everyone else,
To make a long story short I've wound up with a spiffy new FV! My first impression was that this thing is much more solid than I anticipated. I expected shiny plastic, and instead received a pretty darn solid block of metal. So I've used a few different vapes, so screw the manual and lets load and go, right? Not quite - vapour was light. Certainly very flavourful, but lighter and wispier than I'd been anticipating, especially given the comments and reviews in here. Of the 3 batteries it seems that 2 are DOA, and Numero Tres was working kind-of ok, so I checked the drawer and discovered a few different Milaana and Zion batteries, as well as a 2pack of blue ones labelled simply 'Li-ion 18650 3.7v 2600 mAh'. So a Millie brownie went in, and while waiting and watching I saw vape, and by the time I got to draw there was definite combustion happening. So a good clean, put the wee spacer back under the screen, and this is working more like originally anticipated.
So I've learned that FV requires a certain amount of horsepower to work efficiently. I've also discovered that my unit came with a 3.65v charger, so the iCore chargers should work fine.
Anyways, 1-2 second preheat, and start slowly drawing whilst watching a line of vapour head nicely into the straw. Now I am beginning to understand the attraction
Speaking of FFS I *just now* combusted while watching Vape TV on the FV (the window is vape TV, no?)- thats a little wispy, let's touch that butto, oops, ffs...", and just like that it was time for another cleaning. I also realized that if anyone were to randomly look over they'd wonder why I was doing silent karaoke with vape coming out my ears.
Anyways, time to go back through the thread. I'm not familiar with FVs product line, but the aim is to use this unit with resin, and some of the comments and vids in the thread suggest this is easily doable, so thanks to all y'all for the handy pointers and instructions over the past 100 pages. Time to go back and read a bit more slowly. I seem to have missed the comparison between models and versions, and realized I'm not exactly sure which version I have, other than the battery charger being 3.65v/400 mA. It looks like a nice portable unit, but I guess everyone else knows that by now