
thoroughly vaped
I don't have a matrix piece, confused now! So UFO vs 187/Matrix?

Interesting idea about using a J-Hook and adapter that could look nice and heady without breaking the bank. :nod:

:rofl:Yeah this convo belongs in the cheap glass thread now... sorry mods!

Sorry about that above. Thought you had the nano and were looking for glass.

Think there are some comparisons between UFO and 187 in Cheap Bubbler thread. Short answer is check the percs. There is a bit of difference - pretty much size of the holes. UFO has the options up top, too.

To swing us back on thread topic here.... I have the piece the UFO is kind of based on (the perc anyway). It has less diffusion and I do love it under the nano. I'd say for me it is pretty much a tie as to whether I like it best or the GB-187 with nano. Kind of hate to admit it - and it may change from week to week - but today I probably would take the GB 187 if I could only keep one. If mine was a sidecar, that may make it an easier choice. Plenty of fun options with the UFO though, too.

FWIW, the piece I have that I'm referring to is the jhanpixel UFO sidecar. It is amazing under the nano! Jhan is a member here on FC. Think he has a thread somewhere. If you want to spend a few more $ for a US blown piece, it can be found here on iOffer. Is listed @ $150, but am sure you could get it with an offer of 135 - maybe less. I know... just what you needed, another option!! Sorry, but would be remiss if I didn't mention it here.

Tough choice!!! On the glass at least. For the vape? NANO FTW ALL DAY, EVERY DAY!! :wave:


Everytime I get/see/think about Girl scout cookies I think of @ataxian. One of my favorite strains!

Hope everything is going well with everyone

It is smooth sailing with the E-nano!
Going to pick up some 317 Stainless steel wool for dabs.
GSC is amazing!

Glad it's cheap these days!
I use cotton for shatter!

I found a large container with 10 grams of ANIMAL COOKIES!
Man this stuff is pretty good !
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I don't have a matrix piece, confused now! So UFO vs 187/Matrix?

Interesting idea about using a J-Hook and adapter that could look nice and heady without breaking the bank. :nod:

Sorry, thought you mentioned you had the GB-187. A matrix perc is quite popular - it provides a moderate level of diffusion - offering a smooth hit but still retaining most of the flavor.

A piece like the FC-UFO or the D020 provide less diffusion which means more flavor (but a slightly harsher hit in higher temperatures).

The GB-187-S is my personal favorite piece I use it with the nano daily (it's actually sitting in front of me right now).

But the FC-UFO has so many options with it's 18mm mouthpiece - Jhooks, whips, custom blown mouthpieces, hell even extra watertools like the Pinnacle watertool could be added for more diffusion if necessary.


Well-Known Member
But on a bubbler? I'll take an Epic Adjust-a-Bowl GonG adapter over anything. Don't really like the Joda carbed (or any carbed I would think) because a carb doesn't provide the same airflow as pulling the GonG. Also, is easier for me to just pull the nano and GonG all together as I have for some time. I do have an older Joda GonG that I use pretty often. It is on my bubbler at the girlfriend's because she likes how pretty it is. And, it is pretty! Just doesn't perform quite as well as a stock Epic IMO. This GonG and my Joda stem were a matched set made about a year ago (maybe more?). Think it was the first matched set he did. And, know his work has come light years since then - so assume function is much better as form is out of this world now. Don't think you'll find any nano accessories nearly as beautiful anywhere else. But, when it's time to get down to business I grab one of my Epic GonGs every time, and can't see me reaching for any others. Plus they cost half as much as even the simplest Joda piece would.

Interesting. My adjust-a-gong makes me choke to death, thats why I stopped using the nano altogether.
With the carbed Joda gong, same piece, 1/2 the drag, same hit, less choking. I wonder if there is variation in quality of hit between all of these. I HATE drag. Thats why I rub my head when I watch people sell the OG ticker cloud, the thing has half the drag of a EVO. Ill never understand that design decision.


Calm Consistency
Typically I do 6-6.5, and realized I slowly worked my way up to 7-7.5 for milkier hits. Stayed this way for about a week or two. Wasn't enjoying vaping as much and figured it was just bad bud. Ended up turning temp down to 6 for old times sake (only like a week in old time but whatever, haha), and realized it's way better. Getting 2 good hits and a 3rd alright one instead of 1 alright and 1 pretty bad hit. Clouds still milky, and seems like it has a deeper extraction because nothing is "burned off" as I would put it, even if that's not an accurate term. I originally turned it up because I like a nice full feeling in the lungs, close to a cough, but turning the temp down actually helped to bring that out. I've also noticed that someone said he only heat soaked for about 10 seconds. I'll drop my Nano on my GonG and take a piss or grab a drink or do whatever then come back to rip. I don't think it's accurate to say it's "cooking" your herb that entire period. Pulling the air through the bud is what really starts the cooking. I think the heatsoak is more just for drying the herb out a bit more and getting it ready for rippage!


Typically I do 6-6.5, and realized I slowly worked my way up to 7-7.5 for milkier hits. Stayed this way for about a week or two. Wasn't enjoying vaping as much and figured it was just bad bud. Ended up turning temp down to 6 for old times sake (only like a week in old time but whatever, haha), and realized it's way better. Getting 2 good hits and a 3rd alright one instead of 1 alright and 1 pretty bad hit. Clouds still milky, and seems like it has a deeper extraction because nothing is "burned off" as I would put it, even if that's not an accurate term. I originally turned it up because I like a nice full feeling in the lungs, close to a cough, but turning the temp down actually helped to bring that out. I've also noticed that someone said he only heat soaked for about 10 seconds. I'll drop my Nano on my GonG and take a piss or grab a drink or do whatever then come back to rip. I don't think it's accurate to say it's "cooking" your herb that entire period. Pulling the air through the bud is what really starts the cooking. I think the heatsoak is more just for drying the herb out a bit more and getting it ready for rippage!
I've been reducing my level as well!
I stated 6.75 then 7.0.
after a few years and just recently received a new NANO I like 6.3.

GSC is my mid day medicine!

@FLelder ent I want a NANO tray like you'res !
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thoroughly vaped
Interesting. My adjust-a-gong makes me choke to death, thats why I stopped using the nano altogether.
With the carbed Joda gong, same piece, 1/2 the drag, same hit, less choking. I wonder if there is variation in quality of hit between all of these. I HATE drag. Thats why I rub my head when I watch people sell the OG ticker cloud, the thing has half the drag of a EVO. Ill never understand that design decision.

Were you pulling the GonG when clearing with the Epic, or just pulling the nano off the GonG? If pulling both, maybe too quick of a clear/too much vapor at once? I dunno... I'd think faster clear with more airflow would lead to less coughing. At least that's the way it works for me. And, definitely much less drag with open GonG than through a carb on any of my glass. But, we're all pretty different and have different setups, techniques and preferences. Just another reason to love the nano - and Joda Glass!!

For anyone else reading.... Think you definitely have to pull the nano and GonG for the best hits, if you're not using a carbed GonG. The load doesn't create so much resistance that it is impossible to pull through, but is much better without it in the way.

Typically I do 6-6.5, and realized I slowly worked my way up to 7-7.5 for milkier hits. Stayed this way for about a week or two. Wasn't enjoying vaping as much and figured it was just bad bud. Ended up turning temp down to 6 for old times sake (only like a week in old time but whatever, haha), and realized it's way better. Getting 2 good hits and a 3rd alright one instead of 1 alright and 1 pretty bad hit. Clouds still milky, and seems like it has a deeper extraction because nothing is "burned off" as I would put it, even if that's not an accurate term. I originally turned it up because I like a nice full feeling in the lungs, close to a cough, but turning the temp down actually helped to bring that out. I've also noticed that someone said he only heat soaked for about 10 seconds. I'll drop my Nano on my GonG and take a piss or grab a drink or do whatever then come back to rip. I don't think it's accurate to say it's "cooking" your herb that entire period. Pulling the air through the bud is what really starts the cooking. I think the heatsoak is more just for drying the herb out a bit more and getting it ready for rippage!

YEAH MAN!!!! Many ways to use your nano, but after literally years of daily use I swear lower heat and closer load is the way to go. nano = small. So with this puppy, LESS IS MORE!!! Even if you want to load more and push the screen down for bigger loads, get the load close to the heat and vape at a temp that doesn't overly brown the top of the load. Stir as needed and enjoy decent clouds for as long as you can pull them. Just keep in mind the best flavor is probably going to be gone after the first 2 - 3 hits. But if loading more, there will still be plenty of actives released as long as you're producing vapor.

This has become my preferred technique going dry on the j-hook. Go about twice as deep with screen than the notch on e-pik with a Joda carbed GonG. Load about twice as much as usual and give it a little tamp. Throw it on the j-hook. Sit back and sip many hits, stirring every 2 or 3. Helps to push the screen up a little as the load breaks down and shrinks, too. For this I go even lower than my typical 6.25 - 6.75 summer setting. Usually right between 5.75 - 6 depending on other variables. Usually get 10 - 15 decent hits. Not the same density of clouds I usually pull through a bubbler, but very satisfying and very effective! Very nice for sitting back vegging on the tube, or if hitting it here and there while doing something else. :luv:
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Active Member
I'm getting my Cherry (I like red tones) E-Nano in the mail tomorrow and this thread is making me itch and itch and itch all over! I only wish I was getting my D020 too, but I have no idea when that's going to get here (I ordered it on Sunday from Sunshinestore). In the meantime, I got drystems and my hyper-simple bong to use, I suppose.

I've already found the "Best of the E-Nano thread", but does anyone have any other recommendations for resources for a new log user? The only vape experience I've had is with my (probably former) daily flyer PAX1. I hear going from a PAX to one of these logs (E-Nano in particular) is like going from a Pinto to a Charger, so I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait eeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!


thoroughly vaped
I'm getting my Cherry (I like red tones) E-Nano in the mail tomorrow and this thread is making me itch and itch and itch all over! I only wish I was getting my D020 too, but I have no idea when that's going to get here (I ordered it on Sunday from Sunshinestore). In the meantime, I got drystems and my hyper-simple bong to use, I suppose.

I've already found the "Best of the E-Nano thread", but does anyone have any other recommendations for resources for a new log user? The only vape experience I've had is with my (probably former) daily flyer PAX1. I hear going from a PAX to one of these logs (E-Nano in particular) is like going from a Pinto to a Charger, so I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait eeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

Welcome to FC, and the nano nation!!!

I still think cherry is the prettiest of the stock woods. Great call on that!!

SunshineStore is usually pretty good with shipping. Hard to say for certain from China - but probably within 2 weeks, maybe 3.

I post a good bit of useful shit in between my silliness and rants. Do you know how to search on one person and in this thread? Do search on my name here and key on the longer posts. Think they usually have bullet points in the more useful ones. Really have to pull some of the better ones and MANY tips from others together and try to get them all in the "Best of", or on the vapopedia, or epicvape, or something. Feel bad for folks like you coming along now because there is a huge wealth of info in here. It's just sprinkled here and there over the 516 pages! Ok... more like the past 325 pages, but still way more than anyone should have to read!

Check the Epicvape site, too. Last I looked, Andy was adding tips and tricks here and there.

For you and any other new nano owners.... feel free to IM me with any questions if you don't want to post them in the thread. I'll get back to you next time I'm through. Probably the same with most of the other regulars you see here that have been around for a while. Seems most of the nano-nation are friendly (unless you try to take their nano!) and willing to help others acquire the same love they have for this wonderful log.


Well-Known Member
So I had the op to start in a littler earlier than usual today. One of the reasons I own a portable is to be able to be discreet around the house. I'm starting to find the nano almost as discrete as my portable. It can be a quick hitter when it needs to be (on demand, with no start up time if it's plugged in). A light hitter. A heavy hitter. And I'm just getting started. Fun little machine.

I noticed, for the first time the other night, some lung irritation. It hits harder than my portable. I've taken note.

FLelder ent

Well-Known Member
It can be a quick hitter when it needs to be (on demand, with no start up time if it's plugged in). A light hitter. A heavy hitter. And I'm just getting started. Fun little machine.

I noticed, for the first time the other night, some lung irritation. It hits harder than my portable. I've taken note.

I was using my portable for the last few weeks, I just got my Nano back and I immediately felt the difference in my lungs, but it's all good, because it is still a 1000 times better than combustion, actually, fuck combustion! :peace:


Active Member
Welcome to FC, and the nano nation!!!

I still think cherry is the prettiest of the stock woods. Great call on that!!

Thanks, friend! :D

SunshineStore is usually pretty good with shipping. Hard to say for certain from China - but probably within 2 weeks, maybe 3.


Seems most of the nano-nation are friendly (unless you try to take their nano!) and willing to help others acquire the same love they have for this wonderful log.

Yeah, I can tell. Honestly, I've had very very very few bad experiences with the 420 community, and fewer still with vape folks.

Thank you for your help and your cataloging, by the way!

al bundy

Plug in Nano and set it to 7 on dial and wait 20 minutes.
Will heat up faster on 10 but no rush.
You could always raise or lower temp ,you don't want to combust.
Drop to 6 and vape away making adjustments.
I like 7 ish on my dial though mine is 2 yrs old and leave it on 4-1/2 all the time now.
You'll find your sweet spots,


Calm Consistency
This has become my preferred technique going dry on the j-hook. Go about twice as deep with screen than the notch on e-pik with a Joda carbed GonG. Load about twice as much as usual and give it a little tamp. Throw it on the j-hook. Sit back and sip many hits, stirring every 2 or 3. Helps to push the screen up a little as the load breaks down and shrinks, too. For this I go even lower than my typical 6.25 - 6.75 summer setting. Usually right between 5.75 - 6 depending on other variables. Usually get 10 - 15 decent hits. Not the same density of clouds I usually pull through a bubbler, but very satisfying and very effective! Very nice for sitting back vegging on the tube, or if hitting it here and there while doing something else. :luv:

Trying this exact method word for word except with the regular stem instead. If I don't post back, that means it worked too well.

The Stranger

Account Closed
I've been finding that about a 5.5-5.75 is working the best for me right now. @al bundy , when you say you leave it on 4.5 all the time, do you mean when you aren't using it or even when vaporizing?

I've tried like a 5 (maybe a little lower too) but I always feel like the hits aren't quite there. Granted, I am working with a bed stem.

I'm also finding out how important a pre heat soak is, otherwise half of my hits were cold air and not very much vapor.

I really do love how this little baby just molds itself to be used however it's owner sees fit, even if their decisions are subconscious ones.


First the flavor, then the buZzz settles in....
Are there different sizes of basket screens from epic vape? Im having a hard time understanding why, Im having a hard time fitting the basket screens I ordered from epic in my 14mm gong. In the 18mm gong it slides right in, but with the 14 mm gong I have to work it in, by the time I put it in the right place, it has already been bent out of shape. Is there a trick to this?
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