Interesting. My adjust-a-gong makes me choke to death, thats why I stopped using the nano altogether.
With the carbed Joda gong, same piece, 1/2 the drag, same hit, less choking. I wonder if there is variation in quality of hit between all of these. I HATE drag. Thats why I rub my head when I watch people sell the OG ticker cloud, the thing has half the drag of a EVO. Ill never understand that design decision.
Were you pulling the GonG when clearing with the Epic, or just pulling the nano off the GonG? If pulling both, maybe too quick of a clear/too much vapor at once? I dunno... I'd think faster clear with more airflow would lead to less coughing. At least that's the way it works for me. And, definitely much less drag with open GonG than through a carb on any of my glass. But, we're all pretty different and have different setups, techniques and preferences. Just another reason to love the nano - and Joda Glass!!
For anyone else reading.... Think you definitely have to pull the nano and GonG for the best hits, if you're not using a carbed GonG. The load doesn't create so much resistance that it is impossible to pull through, but is much better without it in the way.
Typically I do 6-6.5, and realized I slowly worked my way up to 7-7.5 for milkier hits. Stayed this way for about a week or two. Wasn't enjoying vaping as much and figured it was just bad bud. Ended up turning temp down to 6 for old times sake (only like a week in old time but whatever, haha), and realized it's way better. Getting 2 good hits and a 3rd alright one instead of 1 alright and 1 pretty bad hit. Clouds still milky, and seems like it has a deeper extraction because nothing is "burned off" as I would put it, even if that's not an accurate term. I originally turned it up because I like a nice full feeling in the lungs, close to a cough, but turning the temp down actually helped to bring that out. I've also noticed that someone said he only heat soaked for about 10 seconds. I'll drop my Nano on my GonG and take a piss or grab a drink or do whatever then come back to rip. I don't think it's accurate to say it's "cooking" your herb that entire period. Pulling the air through the bud is what really starts the cooking. I think the heatsoak is more just for drying the herb out a bit more and getting it ready for rippage!
YEAH MAN!!!! Many ways to use your nano, but after literally years of daily use I swear lower heat and closer load is the way to go. nano = small. So with this puppy, LESS IS MORE!!! Even if you want to load more and push the screen down for bigger loads, get the load close to the heat and vape at a temp that doesn't overly brown the top of the load. Stir as needed and enjoy decent clouds for as long as you can pull them. Just keep in mind the best flavor is probably going to be gone after the first 2 - 3 hits. But if loading more, there will still be plenty of actives released as long as you're producing vapor.
This has become my preferred technique going dry on the j-hook. Go about twice as deep with screen than the notch on e-pik with a Joda carbed GonG. Load about twice as much as usual and give it a little tamp. Throw it on the j-hook. Sit back and sip many hits, stirring every 2 or 3. Helps to push the screen up a little as the load breaks down and shrinks, too. For this I go even lower than my typical 6.25 - 6.75 summer setting. Usually right between 5.75 - 6 depending on other variables. Usually get 10 - 15 decent hits. Not the same density of clouds I usually pull through a bubbler, but very satisfying and very effective! Very nice for sitting back vegging on the tube, or if hitting it here and there while doing something else.