Enano is great but nowhere near as great without a custom bowl from Joda. Period. Night and day. Now this thing is the beast it should have always been:
Enjoy my drum solo.
Awesome vid!!! Really enjoyed that one. And, was wondering who was getting that sick stem when I saw it in the Joda thread. That thing is gorgeous!!! Very well done!
But, can't say I totally agree with you on Joda stuff. Don't get me wrong... he does some incredibly beautiful and wonderfully functioning pieces. I love my dry stem I got from him way back when, and is still my second most reached for dry nano piece. The first I reach for lately is a Yeti Glass (friend of Joda's) J-hook with a Joda carbed GonG on it. So for dry, I DO like the custom stuff better than the stock Epic stem. Some has to do with how nice it looks, but think vapor swirling around in a dry piece seems to do more for me than a straight glass tube.
But on a bubbler? I'll take an Epic Adjust-a-Bowl GonG adapter over anything. Don't really like the Joda carbed (or any carbed I would think) because a carb doesn't provide the same airflow as pulling the GonG. Also, is easier for me to just pull the nano and GonG all together as I have for some time. I do have an older Joda GonG that I use pretty often. It is on my bubbler at the girlfriend's because she likes how pretty it is. And, it is pretty! Just doesn't perform quite as well as a stock Epic IMO. This GonG and my Joda stem were a matched set made about a year ago (maybe more?). Think it was the first matched set he did. And, know his work has come light years since then - so assume function is much better as form is out of this world now. Don't think you'll find any nano accessories nearly as beautiful anywhere else. But, when it's time to get down to business I grab one of my Epic GonGs every time, and can't see me reaching for any others. Plus they cost half as much as even the simplest Joda piece would.
Does anyone here happen to own Kathy's
10 Arm Perc and honey comb? Just wondering how it will pair with the e-nano.
Sorry... don't own it but can tell a couple things just from looking. It will pair with the nano in that it will work. Just make sure you have the proper sized GonG. Never know with Kathy, but I think most of her stuff is smaller than it looks in pics so that
could be a 14mm on there. But, most pieces like this would have an 18mm. Good idea to check unless you have both size GonG adapters.
It also looks like it could have quite a good bit of drag. Not always the best with a nano, but dependent on your style of vaping and how much lung you like to throw into it. One thing is for sure.... that sloppy Chinese tree perc and the "honeycomb" are going to create a lot of diffusion and steal a good bit of the flavorful vapor the nano is famous for producing. I know some people really aren't into the awesome flavor profile and this may suit someone like that just fine.
It will also be a bitch to clean if you don't keep it super clean in use.
I say it all the time here, and sorry for the continued repeat, but with vapor - especially with the nano - less is more! IME less diffusion, less bubbles and less water contact will leave more flavor in your vapor - and probably a tad more actives. But, in all honesty bubblers that keep it simple aren't as impressive to show off when friends stop by. So, I guess it kind of depends on if you're trying to impress friends or impress your head with a tasty, toasty buzz. Even as cheap as many of the Chinese pieces are, I always go with what will work best with my vapes - nano getting the largest consideration for quite some time - to produce the best vapor and best vaping experience. If I want to see pretty bubbles I just pick up a 4 pack of kids bubbles at the dollar store and set the wand up in front of a fan.
IMO, the
GB-187-S from yingmin would make a much better mate for most nano users. I know it would for me, and the sidecar is nice to keep the upright nano off to the side instead of right in front of your nose. My straight neck GB-187 is my favorite Chinese piece to use with the nano. Wish I had held out for the sidecar version, but didn't work out like that for me and have a couple other sidecars that keep me happy.
You may find that you prefer more diffusion and flavor doesn't matter. But, that's my

on it. Whatever the case, hope this helps you make a decision you'll enjoy!