Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
has started making/selling cool log stems available now, specifically for the e-nano:


New Member
Please confirm whether the inner walls are stainless steel. I read somewhere they are aluminum. I know the screens and heater parts are medical stainless steel but what about the inner walls.
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Vape outside the box
Hey all, I just want to give a big congratulatory shout-out to Andy (@ACE OF VAPE), Nadia (@nadia_epic), and everyone else on the EpicKai / EpicVape Team for reaching 1000 pages on this thread!!!

My cherry E-Nano is on 24/7/365 (excepting about a week per year for out-of-town trips), waiting to bring me joy at a moment’s notice. And the more I use it, the better it gets: lately I am doing longer sessions, starting at lower temps, with very little flower (about 1/30th or 0.03 grams), and less stirring. I get absolutely incredible flavor, usually from 2 or 3 stems in rotation for comparison and contrast, and effects that verge on the psychedelic, plus pain relief and more.

I buy in single grams (in the legal Oregon / mid-Willamette Valley market) and store in larger (whole) and smaller vials (pre-ground and ready to go). My Nano has driven my need for variety and depth in strains and has pushed me up to 70+ strain capacity (yes, that’s 70+ delicious strains, on hand at all times and ready to go in seconds). I am regularly moved to marvel and wonder at the sublime flavors and profound effects my Nano bestows upon me! :p:o

I have a small collection of 6 vapes, but the E-Nano is my daily driver and one of my most prized possessions, sitting warm and beautiful at my right hand, ready and raring to go!

Thanks to Andy and Nadia for this life-changing device, and congrats again on reaching the 4-digit page mark in this thread!!!

(Check out my classy little cherry beauty, her stems, brethren, and some cases in this older pic below—but I am up to 6 of those little black cases on the left now.)

Wow, what an impressive set up!
Thank you all for the kind words. All the love for the lil Nano makes us happy!
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Well-Known Member
Hi thread, haven't posted in this one yet but this was my very first real vape purchase in 2016. I haven't touched it in a couple years, but I felt like having a chill microdosing log kind of evening and felt like showing it off. Absolutely changed how I approached consumption and was the starting point for my descent into a desk full of equipment, so truly, thank you. Cheers friends.



Well-Known Member
Can’t quite work out if the email from Epickai is a joke or not. States that international shipping is back on, so if you need any stems / screens etc you can order again.

“Cool” I think as both of my nanos are in the cupboard since my butter-fingers dropped not only my last 14 gong but shortly after broke my only 18mm bong.

I check the website only to see that glass 14mm gongs are out of stock so I think “well it’s worth the ugly looking silicone to get my nanos back up and running” so I add one of those and and pack of screen’s while I’m at it, check out time and I am expecting to have to pay at least the same as my $15 order again if not double for shipping to the UK but $138! :|

Guess they’re staying in the cupboard.
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Active Member
POTV still has 14mm gongs in stock.

Dunno what their international shipping is like though. Should probably check the US site as well shipping might be cheaper.


Can’t quite work out if the email from Epickai is a joke or not. States that international shipping is back on, so if you need any stems / screens etc you can order again.

“Cool” I think as both of my nanos are in the cupboard since my butter-fingers dropped not only my last 14 gong but shortly after broke my only 18mm bong.

I check the website only to see that glass 14mm gongs are out of stock so I think “well it’s worth the ugly looking silicone to get my nanos back up and running” so I add one of those and and pack of screen’s while I’m at it, check out time and I am expecting to have to pay at least the same as my $15 order again if not double for shipping to the UK but $138! :|

Guess they’re staying in the cupboard.
Whew that is a hefty ship, but I don't know anything about international shipping outside of the states. Hope you can get it up and running again because these little guys have been my families daily drivers since 2021. Amazing little device. I keep talking myself out of buying an XL because I got some pricey out of pocket dental right around the corner 😅. One day


Well-Known Member
Whew that is a hefty ship, but I don't know anything about international shipping outside of the states. Hope you can get it up and running again because these little guys have been my families daily drivers since 2021. Amazing little device. I keep talking myself out of buying an XL because I got some pricey out of pocket dental right around the corner 😅. One day
Yeah I’m not trying to accuse Epickai of rip-off behaviour it seems international shipping hates the UK right now.

It’s a shame because I even put up with having to use a voltage converter to run them but at the moment I only have direct stems which my chest will not stand.

At least I have my TA to get me through :brow:



Yeah I’m not trying to accuse Epickai of rip-off behaviour it seems international shipping hates the UK right now.

It’s a shame because I even put up with having to use a voltage converter to run them but at the moment I only have direct stems which my chest will not stand.

At least I have my TA to get me through :brow:

Hell yea, one thing I've learned through the years is that it's always good to have a back up! I actually have a box of glass from Epic I ordered for accidents (2 backup cables as well lol), but amazingly I haven't broke any stems or gongs. Hopefully I'll never have to wipe the dust off the bags they are in lol; might be jinxing myself right now.


My nano light keeps going on and off any time the wire is moved. I have to hold it a certain way for it to even go on. It seems to be most troublesome near the end that plugs into the nano. Is it the wire or the nano?


Well-Known Member
I never had the internal wiring or cord fail, but I have had the plastic plug that holds the cord in place break, which produced the same symptoms. If that is the case, get in touch with Epicvape (calling is best) and request either the part or to start the mail in process. Good Luck


Active Member
POTV still has 14mm gongs in stock.

Dunno what their international shipping is like though. Should probably check the US site as well shipping might be cheaper.
ive used POTV recently to ship to the other side of the world and it was like 9$ and it was tracked. 10/10
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Well-Known Member
Hi tovall
I've just join the e-nano familly, and it's clearly a great vape.
I've found that the glass part of the mflb water piece adapter fit nicely the enano and with a dome screen for solo stem that make nicely the job.
For me who live in Europe it was a good surprise, because taxes for a buy in USA are very expensive.
Good vape to all


Well-Known Member
Before I send an email to Customer service I figured I would ask here first; Does any one know if 14mm gongs are coming back in stock any time soon?
I went to buy one a week or so ago and there were no glass accessories listed on the site. Now the glass accessories are back but 14mm is out of stock.


I dream of Pizza
Hi all, I have been away for a while but all is well! Except I dropped all my GonG's and broke them, feelin like Ataxian. Now I'm using an old adjustable dry stem with two silicon rings on each end to insert into my bubblers.

I'd like to order some new GonGs, is there any issue with doing that to europe/austria currently? I think when I did it last time there was something about importing it.. Oh well. Still enjoying the walnut nano, still rips after many years.
Oh and I want another Ice stem (busted that one too :S) and on the site there's only XL ice stems..will that work on the og nano?

I'm still using a stepdown converter but never had any issues, usually run it at 5.5 But I won't get into that now :myday:
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Trenchtown Rock
Hi all, I have been away for a while but all is well! Except I dropped all my GonG's and broke them, feelin like Ataxian. Now I'm using an old adjustable dry stem with two silicon rings on each end to insert into my bubblers.

I'd like to order some new GonGs, is there any issue with doing that to europe/austria currently? I think when I did it last time there was something about importing it.. Oh well. Still enjoying the walnut nano, still rips after many years.
Oh and I want another Ice stem (busted that one too :S) and on the site there's only XL ice stems..will that work on the og nano?

I'm still using a stepdown converter but never had any issues, usually run it at 5.5 But I won't get into that now :myday:
On the USA site it shows ice stems for OG e-nano in stock. And the site says that XL ice stems only work with XL nanos.
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