Took just my third turn on my new maple e-nano a little while ago. The first two goes earlier this week I simply warmed at 6 for around 20 minutes before hitting it dry to kind of establish a base line. Wonderful flavor, and an effective buzz. I was a little constrained time wise so managed only a couple of light hits each time, which did the trick just fine for me. This time I warmed up at 10 for a little while, then backed down to 6, let it set for a few minutes, then hit on a tiny amount of medium grind. Produced a little more vapor than the first two sessions, which doesn't really matter to me (I'm not a cloud chaser), but I definitely caught a roasted flavor that I hadn't experienced the first two times. I wasn't used to that so I checked the bowl to see what color it was. A nice medium brown color; no black. So the flavor plus the easy draw are the two big upgrades I can observe at this point. But I've got lots of learning to do. I'm a low heat low vapor kind of guy, managing my buzz by the number of low heat hits I do. So I think next load I'll either push the screen a little further away from the heat or lower the temp to 5.5 just to see how that works, see how low I can to go for my minimum setting. And of course when I get the appropriate opportunity I'll just set it up on the table, turn up the temp and have a good solid go at some higher temps. Just to start gauging my upper level temps. I have to gauge those levels too. Just to be fair.
Thanks for all the shared wisdom, folks. I came to the nano somewhat prepared due to following this thread. Even so, I'm looking forward to lost of future experimentation.
Check your other variables - especially dryness of material. Might be that it just didn't cool all the way down. Depending on your set up, if you had glass on while waiting to go down to 6, if you left it on 10 for a while (10 - 15 mins) and a few other things, may have to wait a little longer for cooling. Lately for me there has been a fan or a/c on so cooling from quick heat up has taken a little less time - 3/4 mins at 10, then down to 6.5 for 2 mins. When you do this I don't think it actually is fully heated to 10, just on the way there. After you have your nano for a bit you start to get a general feel for it from warmth of wood (usually pretty cool with quick heat when you turn down from 10 to 6).
Ah. Must be nice to have disposable income. Also, I'm just the mindset of I want one of everything, and I want the best one. I honestly never even considered having more than one log vape.
I'm honestly wondering what the differences are. Why do they hold a place in your heart? Any special reasons?
Have only used a UD once and was fine, but lacking compared to my nano - but that's what I'm used to, too. HI is a bit of a different beast, but both run on D/C current. Really best to read on each and there are some one vs. the other threads in the closed threads section. They pop up from time to time, but mods shut them down after a page or so because they usually degenerate into fan boy battles pretty quickly. Still some good info in most.
FWIW, HI waiting list is at least 15 months (that's how long I've been on and still there), and you don't pay until your number comes up.
Thanks buddy. I didnt know the D020 had a long line of bubblers. Its rather awkward the way the search function works on dhgate. I mostly stumble upon things there because I find it here or because they show me on the dhgate page, because when I look for something specific it will turn up as infounded.
Thanks again buddy. I am definately getting this one.
Also for some reason I can never get the same results if I heat up my nano for 45mins to an hour on 6.5 as opposed to when I am on time constraints and heat up my nano at 10 for about 7 mins then 6.5 for 13 minutes. The latter just roasts the bud and I dont get much effect from it. While the first gives me flavor and good buzz.
how do you guys/gals preheat the nano to give you consistent vapor all the time? I understand some people leave it on all the time, I wish I could but I cant for certain reasons.
The instructions boasts a 2 minute heat up time. At that point I get little to no vapor and hardly any buzz.
See above re: leaving it at 10 for a good bit. 7 minutes may be too long, but would think 13 at 6 would be enough to let temp drop. Hard to tell with each nano in each situation. My best luck is at 10 for 3-4 mins, then 6.5 for 3. Even at that, a straight 20 - 30 mins at 6.5 (or even better still on from earlier) gives the best effects. The quick heat is really just a jump start to get up to temp, but isn't nearly as good of a warm up.
Glad to hear the good old D020 looks like it will fit the bill!
What advantage does the double chamber on that D022 give over the other glass you listed?
Still don't have one of these, but on my short list forever. Nice rig, but biggest benefit I see with the removable center stem is for cleaning. Wide open in can once you pull that out, and having a cage like that outside of the can allows it to be VERY easily cleaned.
Do you guys prefer the Fixed gong or adjustable?
Yeah... read last 20 pages or many others. Always a good idea to read back at least 10 pages (if they're there) on any vape you're looking into, and I'd say 20 here because of speed of thread. Always good to see what has been good and maybe bad lately since you're looking into it anyway. Search function (top right of every page on FC) can also be very helpful. Often good to check the "Search this thread only" if looking at a specific vape. Check
this post for a good bit of info on adjust-a-bowl vs. fixed glass stem. Plenty of other good stuff all through this thread, too.
Thought I'd mention the fact that I'm finding the e-nano to be easier to manage discretely than I had anticipated. For the first week I've been holding back on using it because it's not portable and I have to be on the very down low when I vape. Jeez. It sits back behind books on a shelf such that I can just turn it on and let is set there completely out of view, then drop by for quick visits every now and again. Again being the operative word. I've been enjoying my first multi-sesh day with the nan, and am truly loving it.
If there is nothing flammable around it on the shelf, you could even leave it on and turn it around so the light doesn't draw attention. Or just put something over or in front of the light.
Kind of forgot - and sorry to those who already hit like...
But forgot to mention two things I remembered today that I'm not really sure I like about the nano.
- Since it is on all the time, it is too f'n easy to say, "Yeah... I think we'll have another quick small load before we head out." Did a quick wake and bake before heading out to breakfast with the GF yesterday. You know how sometimes they can take a little while to actually get out the door? Yeah... having nano always ready to go can make these situations kind of interesting, and have you order WAY too much for breakfast. In short, if order so much you need a box to take home the rest of your breakfast, you're too damned stoned!!

- Concentrates are just too damned good and efficient!! A little while ago I put a small piece of shatter on some ss wool. Took a few nice hits. Got good and toasty - especially considering I was pretty buzzed all afternoon. A little while later I was going to dump and load some flower, but NOOOOO! Still more hits of shatter in there. Now way stoned, and you know I'm not throwing those last couple hits in the duff can! Goo in here is like the fuckin Energizer Bunny. It keeps going and going and going....