Yes, that is pretty much what I would want, is that really as bad of a thing as you make it seem? I'm not trying to hate on fregglepops, infact I said " it's nice to see someone get something for their pain and suffering". I thought epic vape paid for shipping on warranty issues anyway, but if they don't pay for shipping out of United States, then I totally understand and am sorry for my rant. I don't want to argue at all over this matter, I love my nano, and I love FC, so I won't comment anymore on this subject. Happy vaping everyone!
Your point of view is understandable. It's human nature. I think getting something (of value) extra with a repair or replacement is a nice touch if there's been a problem with the service, for some reason, but I don't think the rest of us have any business judging who deserves a freebie and who doesn't. We usually don't have enough info to judge, and we're usually not that objective about it either. I would certainly hope (and assume) that included extras are not just random, like 'this guy gets a free stem 'cause I'm in a good mood today'.
I thought epic vape paid for shipping on warranty issues anyway
The industry standard (and I mean any product you have to ship in for warranty svc.) is for the buyer to pay return shipping to the manuf. or svc. center, and the manuf. in turn pays the shipping when the repaired/replaced item is returned to the owner. There are exceptions, but this is the way it works in most cases.
Personally, I don't post when I have a problem with a vape maker or dealer, as long as it's not a trend, since I feel like it's most likely just a mistake (maybe even the fault of UPS or USPS), and don't want others to judge the company negatively on the basis of my particular (and hopefully isolated) issue. I also try not to post on any freebies I get either, since as in this case, it can make others unhappy that they didn't get one with their repair. While it's nice to praise the company for doing something extra, it can also produce envy.
Bottom line for me-life ain't fair, so don't sweat the small stuff.
I don't even know wtf I'm talking about.
No news there.