So how do you compare the SSV vs the Nano? I hit my nano GonG using the SSV (standard) the other night, a bit unwieldy but it worked like a charm.
I really would like to convert it to a heat port, maybe one day when I get the new rumored portable LSV,

I didn't buy more screens until after macbill posted his tips for making your own basket screens. I'm impressed at their structural integrity.
i'm confused though, can you explain how you were able to use the nano gong with the ssv? did you put the whip on the gong end?
funny you ask this though since i was thinking about nano vs ssv earlier today, as my clouds have seen less action in recent times compared to my ssv which was my go to until i got the nano. i broke out the ssv again and it definitely still works well.
i don't like doing small loads out of the ssv. with the nano tiny loads work wonders like with the cloud. huge vapor immediately. the ssv i always liked filling the standard wand nearly to the brim and stir the whole time. the ssv i would take pretty big hits for a long time and take a long time to kill the bowl. with the nano i will fill the gong up halfway and take a few enormous dense rips.
i will still keep the ssv around for when i want to chill on a huge bowl for a long time, but the nano is kinda like the lotus to me. it hits very similarly (which i love) and is electric (which i love) the ability to throw it on a gong and it sits there is one of the biggest things for me and i love it.
i pack a bowl, throw the nano on top, leave it there and start hitting. i take it off to stir the bowl around after each hit, more out of habit and for fun than out of necessity, but the biggest thing for me is that the gong is easily refillable and is all glass with just a screen. i end up getting sick of vapes which have fiddly methods for packing the weed because if a vape can't effortlessly let me smoke like 20 bowls in a row, it doesn't make the cut
the hits out of the ssv are definitely very heavy but i would say that is more about the quantity of weed i put in the ssv wand vs a nano gong. i feel like i pack 6-10x more per ssv wand than nano gong but the nano hits are so reliable and efficient and dense.
Take your plug in vaporizers and put them properly in the trash bin!
My plug in is a NANO!
You can buy a $750 or $450 plug in or a NANO.
Funny because water pairing the NANO schools them all.
The size of the NANO makes the competition very DATED!
your posts always put such a huge smile on my face
especially because this is so true