My omni condenser (and 2021 omni tip) arrived on this weekend, and it’s very quickly become my favourite setup! Wasn’t expecting the v2 condenser to do much since it only adjusts like 1/4” but that tiny adjustment really makes a significant difference. I want to say the vapour feels cooler with the condenser/airport wide open and cooling the helix, but I’m probably just wanting it to make a difference and the real difference is just the slightly shorter condenser length.
Also picked up a VonG and a mosaic sleeve which ended up a nice iridescent purple colour (you can see it a bit in the image of mosaic 12, it doesn’t photograph well but is beautiful in hand). Really digging the extra heft of the vong over my omni, feels more like a cigar which is a fun change of pace. The mosaic also reminds me of a softer version of the M7’s texture, has been fun to fiddle with between hits and was a nice addition for $20, though I wish I could’ve replaced the default vong sleeve with is so I don’t have a loose ti sleeve rattling around my parts drawer.