I've been using the ispire wand for a few weeks now, along with the dynavap adapter kit (as SK creations won't ship their insert worldwide). It works great, on par with the torch or even better. The dynavap glass insert does, sadly, increase heat up duration but for me hands free operation is essential, so it's required regardless.
I wasn't expecting it to be so heavy, at 260 grams including batteries and glass insert. I like to travel light, so it stays at home mainly and have ended up buying a XMAX pro 3 for out and about, which is more discrete anyway.
An unexpected bonus: I discovered that the size and portability of the wand also helps with hearing the click. It's easier (or safer) to get the wand near to your ear (where the click is louder) compared to a mains IH or a torch.
I listen to a 'lot' of music at home, so before buying the wand, I would have to turn the music right down (to almost silent) in order to hear the click reliably, which is really annoying to be honest.
By holding the wand in one hand with a finger perched over the on/off button (and the glass insert for hands free operation), I can rest the dynavap's mouthpiece against my earlobe, or even into the ear opening, and easily hear the click no matter how loud the music is! If not vaping alone, however, then probably not going to touch the ear for hygiene reasons. 90% of my vape time is solo though.
This helps address what for me is the only negative of using a dynavap in general; namely that it's hard to hear the click in a noisy environment, especially if you have hearing loss of higher frequencies, which of course affects everyone as they grow older to varying degrees. And, as we know, some caps click less loudly than others and this can change depending on tip used too.
So, the wand has been a super purchase for me for home (and occasional away from home) vaping!
I wasn't expecting it to be so heavy, at 260 grams including batteries and glass insert. I like to travel light, so it stays at home mainly and have ended up buying a XMAX pro 3 for out and about, which is more discrete anyway.
An unexpected bonus: I discovered that the size and portability of the wand also helps with hearing the click. It's easier (or safer) to get the wand near to your ear (where the click is louder) compared to a mains IH or a torch.
I listen to a 'lot' of music at home, so before buying the wand, I would have to turn the music right down (to almost silent) in order to hear the click reliably, which is really annoying to be honest.
By holding the wand in one hand with a finger perched over the on/off button (and the glass insert for hands free operation), I can rest the dynavap's mouthpiece against my earlobe, or even into the ear opening, and easily hear the click no matter how loud the music is! If not vaping alone, however, then probably not going to touch the ear for hygiene reasons. 90% of my vape time is solo though.
This helps address what for me is the only negative of using a dynavap in general; namely that it's hard to hear the click in a noisy environment, especially if you have hearing loss of higher frequencies, which of course affects everyone as they grow older to varying degrees. And, as we know, some caps click less loudly than others and this can change depending on tip used too.
So, the wand has been a super purchase for me for home (and occasional away from home) vaping!

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