Lonesome Planet
Since you have had a few mag heaters, perhaps you can apprise us of differences between
Heaters, @beyond6strings, specifically the time differences in the heat cycles; seems some are hot rods, and some are pedestrian type.
BTW, of the 97 known cases of CoVid-19 in the Bay State, some 70 attended the Biogen conference
In Cambridge last month.
Good day to sit down for a few tokes on a vortex,
and listen to some calming music.

Heaters, @beyond6strings, specifically the time differences in the heat cycles; seems some are hot rods, and some are pedestrian type.
BTW, of the 97 known cases of CoVid-19 in the Bay State, some 70 attended the Biogen conference
In Cambridge last month.
Good day to sit down for a few tokes on a vortex,
and listen to some calming music.