Just another "Person Of Interest"
I have the curved one as well. I would prefer the flat sone instead, as I have no real use for the curved one.
They can also be used as a Dynavap vaporizer stand if you rotate one tool 90degrees perpendicular to the other.
During the beta testing, @RogueGuy and I were talking about so many different setups and use cases that you could come up with for this tool!

For instance....
Tweezers that can be set up with either specialized points or flat paddle like ends.

Allowing you to use them to do pretty cool extra things, like...

Handling that hot dynacoil when you clear your tip!
(Tweezers for Dynacoil was @RogueGuy 's awesome idea!
Not owning a DynaCoil myself, I'd have never thought of it.)
I've probably come up with as many uses for the tool OUTSIDE of this thread's topic as I have INSIDE it!

For instance, the pointed end Tool makes an excellent letter opener!
There are literally TONS of potential uses for this tool in all kinds of areas!

@danielj Niiiice 3 dimensional thinkin, btw!

Happy Vaping!

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