Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any dynavap discount codes?
Much appreciated!!
Much appreciated!!
Might try DTCC for 10% seen it on the twitch teatime chat not sure if it’s still working.Does anyone have any dynavap discount codes?
Much appreciated!!
I use thisdoes anyone have a diy or a different brand than dynawax? something from amazon that would work as good? I heard I could mix bee wax with coco oil or something like that to make it but rather buy something already mixed.
sorry meant to mention it is for the vong.
out of stockI use this
Interstate WoodWorks Beeswax Paste Wood Finish & Polish - 6.25 oz.
I received my M a few weeks ago and cleaned it with soap and also iso except for the cap. Just a few days ago I cleaned also the cap and a new Ti condenser with iso, and for some reason now the first hit taste like soap or chemicals, what is the matter?
Genius, the bamboo toothbrush holders. Was resigned to the fact that my glass stems could never travel with me and never gave another thought to figuring out a solution. Went straight to Amazon and ordered some. Thank you.Happy April, y'all.
It's been a while since I've participated here, but I'm gonna' start poking around again. I remember the Dynavap usually being in the top 3 positions of this "Portable Vaporizers" forums, but now I find it in 11th place ... that TinyMight and Mighty+ sure are popular!
Connecticut finally legalized recreational use (gosh, back in July of 2021) BUT retail sales just started on January 10, 2023. I'm bummed that, as of now, CT dispensaries restrict what "Adult Use" (aka: recreational) shoppers can purchase. Specifically, I like (1:1) ... uhm ... now called "Type II" I guess ... but those options are reserved for Medical Card customers. So, I still have to go to MA to get my favorite strain = Sour-Tsunami, a Sativa-dominant hybrid (60/40) that, last batch I got, came in at 16% THC, 10%CBD ... just right for me! As an option to 1:1 strains that I can't buy here, I am going to try mixing some "Type I" from local dispensaries (Sour Hulk, Cherry Punch) and with some Hemp Flower I just got from Horn Creek Hemp (Pink Panther, Sour Lifter, Shaolin Gleaux) ... curious to see how it works out.
Anyway, people are always sharing their gear, so I thought I would, too.
Uh-oh ... "image cannot be loaded from the passed link". No comprendo.
The pics (if they appear) show my "Users" collection ...
The two that travel in Bamboo toothbrush holders have 6" plain glass stems. I use organic cotton wads in both ends of the bamboo case to hold the Dynavap still. I know glass stems with cooling bead ("pills", etc.) are popular, and while they might offer some cooling, I like the ease of cleaning of a plain stem = EZ-peasy = I tear off a small piece of paper towel and make an iso-soaked patch that I push through the stem with a chopstick ... like cleaning a firearm barrel. (mine are due for a cleaning - maybe I'll finally try Stem Milk). The chopstick stows away in the bamboo (and I often stuff a small baggies of weed in there, too). I have a dozen new bamboo cases w/glass stems that I might put up for sale one day ... maybe I'll buy a bunch of tips/caps this 420 sale and make complete "budget" packages to sell (?).
1) 2018 Ti Tip with 2020 Captive CAP
2) 2018 SS Tip (modified w/ notches) with 2019 CAP
The two in the XL Futo Stash of Cumaru wood:
1) 2019 SS Tip on a Futo Bubinga wood (unlined) stem, w/XL condenser and dynavap Maple Mouthpiece
2) 2018 Ti Tip with 2022 Low-T° cap on a 3.5” glass stem (custom-ordered from Glass Charlie)
My PSM is going strong but I want a 2nd portable IH (actually have a functioning Alpine, but I've used it little and they don't have a good track record for reliability ... want a reliable one). I'm leaning towards a Brute ... but the Wand is interestng. I'm hoping Pipes will offer a 420 sale. ;-)
I also have wax available in our maintenance kits, we use local beeswax and melt with some mineral oil. Also includes springs and a hex key that work for on all of our stashes and the larger DynaStashes.out of stock
I think Underdog's beeswax which is available in his website works too? 4$
Underbutter Touch Up Wax
Underbutter is our version of wood conditioner, made with organic beeswax and oil. We provide one of these tins with each unit in the standard kit. You can apply it to your unit whenever you want. We recommend warming up your piece and using a lint-free cloth such as t-shirt material to gently
I combusted on my first second and third tryThe new tip is getting close to full extraction using an aomi lighter and heating at the dimples at the base of the tip with just a bit of rotating back and forth. The long heat time makes me a bit anxious. After the first heat cycle the AVB is a mixture of dark and light brown with bits of green. The stem at this point is getting pretty hot. Going in for a second heat cycle I have to use a more traditional heating method or I combust. Also two heat cycles at the base of the tip makes for a very hot stem. Only practice will tell.
Nice since i found out the new tip was heating so far back I looked at my Omni tip I got to upgrade my M and I have been heating right at the edge of the cap and getting good results.I combusted on my first second and third try
And I’ve been using vapcap since 2016
But this is trying to unlearn what you have already learned
I worked out if you aim for the dimples you only hear a faint click no where near as loud as when directly heating the cap
So faint click hit quick full extraction
Tastes like shit
But batter’s you as quick as the hit
So I learned it’s the closest I’ve come to combustion since I stopped combustion
So I was a bit scared
But when I started vaping I wanted to feel like I was smoking
But now it feels like smoking it takes me back and I’m scared
What the fuck am I taking about
Oh yea the m plus is good really good
But be careful you will come close to combustion
Until you work it out
And yes I also thought I was doing something wrong because it was getting so hot and my torch was burning my fingers
So listen very Carefully for that click
It’s Quiet like a ninja and if it finds you it will fuck you up
Life is poetry! ; )I combusted on my first second and third try
And I’ve been using vapcap since 2016
But this is trying to unlearn what you have already learned
I worked out if you aim for the dimples you only hear a faint click no where near as loud as when directly heating the cap
So faint click hit quick full extraction
Tastes like shit
But batter’s you as quick as the hit
So I learned it’s the closest I’ve come to combustion since I stopped combustion
So I was a bit scared
But when I started vaping I wanted to feel like I was smoking
But now it feels like smoking it takes me back and I’m scared
What the fuck am I taking about
Oh yea the m plus is good really good
But be careful you will come close to combustion
Until you work it out
And yes I also thought I was doing something wrong because it was getting so hot and my torch was burning my fingers
So listen very Carefully for that click
It’s Quiet like a ninja and if it finds you it will fuck you up
Yeah I’m liking the M+ tip, I have yet to touch a torch to it, except for AC and FMJ use. I’m not a SS and M fan, but the 1st M I liked, finally good flavor. The tip is doing the rounds of my stems and I’m liking the low temp cap sometimes, which I rarely use anymore. They have mentioned that more stuff is coming and the old wood Vong that wasn’t updated to the Ti Vong spec seems unavailable. I hope we can see ti version of the + tip in a new Vong or Omni, just give me a Ti version.Life is poetry! ; )
Edit: Ok, I've run a few bowls thru the M+ and ... it's perfectly fine! The stem is nice in your hand; like the Vong, the pics add ten pounds. I haven't really noticed the additional capacity but I am getting hints of really good flavor. Typically warm, full vapor, and plenty of it. So far my favorite thing is the OG Omni/Hydravong-level spinnability in an M. I'll have to report back on the one-hitter capability some other day.
Edit 2: Tried it with the Armored Cap, just a normal spin with a half-inch flame aimed about at the indents: flavor was the best I've experienced with a Dynavap, I think. It lasted throughout the bowl, with a bit of degradation at the end. First hit was amazing, second i could feel the heat building along with the volume, and from there I puffed it 4-5 times until it quit. Cooled it on a magnet, and the roast was a uniform, deep brown.
Edit 3: Tried the AC again and I think I'd hit it as soon as it clicks for best flavor. This time I waited a few seconds post-click to let the heat soak a little and the flavor results were nearly as good but it was more like a normal Dyna experience, still good flavor but not as good. I noticed the herb looked fully roasted but felt a bit springy so I loaded it back in and put a regular captive cap on it and got a couple more full hits. You could probably carefully calibrate between heating the AC and the dots to get a perfect one-heat roast.
I put an XL condenser/mouthpiece on it for an even better spinning and cooling experience. Ain't pretty but it works well.