I did use a friend's MVS for a night (we swapped). It's nice for sure but i feel the Revolve is a different league all together tbh.
It can do what the simrell does... and than some more...

It just has more options/settings to play with.
The Revolve certainly cools much better, while i liked the MVS it still made me cough. Especially when doing full extraction.
I get more taste because of this cooling, like eating soup: when it's too hot i don't really taste a lot...
So that makes a big difference for me personally.
And i also feel it has to be said: the design of the Revolve (certainly the cooling unit) is way more challenging to machine and to engineer than the Simrell. That has a very straight forward shape, and the simrell intercooler simply cannot be compared to the unit in the Revolve. Everybody can see that i guess...
So in my opinion the Revolve is more impressive on many levels: engineering, machining, versatility and performance...

OK, ok, i kinda like the Revolve, i admit that. But hey: it stopped my coughing so makes sense i like it i think...