"Improved performance, better airflow, more huge clouds like bong rips but at the same time smooth like no visible vapor". Why not an integrated torch, that would be a really nice improvementWhat do people want a 21M to be?
2019M tip with adjustable bowl with 2020M body.What do people want a 21M to be?
Your math is great; it's the concept of margin that's a little confusing. Since we think of profit as something on top, it's natural to think of profit margin as the amount above the costs. Actually, the margin is a percentage of the total sale. So, if you sell something for $100, but you paid $50 for it, then half of the sale is profit, or a 50% margin. Margin can never be more than 100%. What you describe is markup. To use the same example, If you pay $50 for something, and sell it for $50 more, that's 100% markup. That number can go over 100%.No mathematician here. Far from it lol. Always did badly.
But what I had in my head was, if total cost is $50, then 100% profit margin would be another $50, which would make the final price to be $100? 50% margin would be $25?
Am I wrong? So sorry if I'm missing something obvious here?
I think they've just gotten better with each iteration. My 2020 definitely draws better than my 2019, although that has led me to wonder if I got one of the 2019 tips that's not machined as deeply. I do prefer the 2019 stem, but purely for aesthetic reasons, not performance.I've been searching and reading up on Dynavaps and I'm looking to purchase one soon.
Leaning towards a 2019M rather than a 2020M as that seems to be the general consensus.
I have absolutely zero interest in the M line. Never really liked the draw from it, especially compared to the Ti tip paired with less restrictive Omni.
I am eager to see an upgraded Omni re-design... seems like it has been a few years in the making.
Thanks. Please don't get me wrong. I still maintain that....generally speaking....for a newbie to the dynavap.....that any M would do. Of course their are incremental differences between designs, however, without any means for comparison these 'differences' amount to little. With some caps under our belts and thus some means for comparison....I still maintain that few should be willing to search/hunt, wait patiently, or pay a premium for one M version over the other. Additionally, of these differences in nuance between stock M's only a seasoned dynavapper would know or care about the difference(s). For that young chickadee who posted about the 2019 vs 2020M.....ask 5 users and get 5 answers. For my money....buy one or the other and you may be pleased with either.@jabba - have a look - https://fuckcombustion.com/threads/the-og-dv-vc-ccd-inverter-by-tommydee.50411/
Incremental improvements go a long way with DV. And they are free.
What is a good adapter for 2020 M to fit to a 14mm female piece?
What is a good adapter for 2020 M to fit to a 14mm female piece?
Actually, nope...it looks like I was right. I knew that looked more like the view from Mars:
Curiosity Rover Sees Earth from Mars for 1st Time (Photos)
NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has snapped its first photo of Earth from the surface of the Red Planet, an amazing image that also includes the moon. See the photos here.www.space.com
As far as I know, the answer is yes -- at least all the core components made of metal and/or wood.Hi, I have a question, I know the DynaVap was originally made in the USA but is it still the case for all the parts/models?
Ever tried sneaky pete's master adapter in comparison, man? Thinking about getting one ...Dynavap VapCap
The novelty is interesting. You should consider that the vapor path is very short Meaning the heat may be harsh.....fuckcombustion.com