... i just got a Flix from Fluxer Heaters one with a 15mm coil... This unit rocks

... only other IH ive tried is the PSM by Pipes...
...i liked the PSM but like any battery powered portable vape i've tried, nothing stands up to the power of being plugged in...
...i can kill a bowl in the Flix with a single hit going 1-2 seconds after the click... i prefer killing bowls in one hit personally... with the PSM i had a hard time killing a single bowl even going 5+ seconds after the click... this has two way's of heating... one, a tactile switch at the base of the coil, and second, there's a button that sits on top... i personally use the tactile switch not the button on top...
...the Flix has brought new appreciation to VapCaps and is the missing link to my VapCap experience i've been looking for...
... the magnet looks small compared to the Dynavap ones, but it's just as strong if not stronger...
...very happy with this purchase...