Lonesome Planet
Mine is the one I posted but there are many nice stems out there. You're paying for the hand crafted nature of the stem. @khelek41girl spent 10 hours on the wire wrapped Bolivian rose wood I posted above. @phattpiggie released some drop dead gorgeous three head spinning Dynavap stems (that I'm heart broken I could afford atm, I've been eyeing them for months) that you could tell he poured himself into. Both makers also create more simple and affordable stem that are stunning. In function all the high end stems preform the same imo, we're just vaping cannabis at the end of the day, the extra length is the big thing for me but the personal touch, or style or whatever it is about an aftermarket stem that draws you in is what makes it special. The Omni XL is special too, I like variety.
I had to pull it out after I posted that last pic.
I’d like to see a swirl of turquoise, or mother of Pearl inlaid.

Of course I would have to appreciate them visually, as they would be above my pay grade.
@SquirrelMaster if you want to console yourself until you can fund a PP triple hitter, you may find this glass alternative interesting

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