Putin is a War Criminal
I think @stardustsailor has made a resurgence after a pause for the birth of a child. He made some really great stems for a while but kinda dropped out of the mix. Hopefully he is back, but I haven't seen him.
Yeah I've been seeing a lot of comments echoing what you're saying amongst various dynavap/vape communities.
Operating under the premise then that these new caps aren't quite as good as the older caps, what's the consensus on what the best caps would be? 2019? 2018?
I can get a much more thorough heating, with more heat soak, with a single-flame torch than I could ever get with an IH. Don't get me wrong, I use my IH when I want convenience over quality...but when flavor and efficiency is of utmost importance, no IH could beat my single flame least not an IH that I am aware of.
If it were purely about getting enough heat to the cap, then you could use a huge torch flame that only takes a couple seconds to heat, like our known and loved Big Shot. Unfortunately, in a situation like that, the very outside layer in the bowl would be scorched and the center would be untouched. A slower heat-soak is where you want to be for flavor and efficiency.
Like TommyD said, I think this slow heat up can be achieved with IH heater. I do it all the time with Portside mini.
I Heat the approx 9 second heat up in 3 phases. A little
one second draw after each to spread the heat evenly.
Very even load. No big deal to just adjust to a slower heat up.
Phattpiggie’s stems have condensers that are integrated into the wood.Does anyone else besides Simrell make a condenserless Ti stem? I'm waiting for more options. I've seen Andy Capp's stems but they require a condenser.
I'll send you some butane to hold you over while you're waiting, @Planck![]()
Does anyone else besides Simrell make a condenserless Ti stem? I'm waiting for more options. I've seen Andy Capp's stems but they require a condenser.
The stems by @khelek41girl / KG Woodcrafts are fully lined with stainless steel; you can use them with a condenser + spinning mouthpiece or use one of her custom mouthpieces without an extra condenser. Those who fit a water piece can be used without any mouthpiece & condenser.
The stems by @khelek41girl / KG Woodcrafts are fully lined with stainless steel; you can use them with a condenser + spinning mouthpiece or use one of her custom mouthpieces without an extra condenser. Those who fit a water piece can be used without any mouthpiece & condenser.
+10@khelek41girl is an OUTSTANDING woodturner that doesn't get NEARLY the exposure she DESERVES!
Happy Vaping!![]()
Still have the entire load heating the same, each time, just shorter lengths the heat is on the whole load. Then i have to try and pull out pre click to try and replicate lower temp hits. It's like a microwave for your vapcap. Gets the job done heat wise, but the food always suffers a bit.
Heating the cap at different spots on the cap with a good flame results in differing hits that you can control during the session. Vapcap 101 a while back.
If you've only ever IH'd with one of these, or are wondering why they sent you an inferno for a torch, you should at least revisit it with a decent torch.
Love my Skelator, sleep with it in arms reach. Love The Aomai single flame more.
If the IH was not invented for the dynavap, I would not have come back to the vapcap world. I had tried it many times and went through many torches and a few vc's too. I also learned to drive automatic and standard shift cars, but I haven't wanted a stick shift in 3o years. I just prefer the ease of use and give up some loss of control in driving. I wonder if this is similar to those who prefer or at least enjoy a torch compared to an IH. I will know a bit more when my PSM arrives as my only other comparsion is my caldron, but I believe I will aways prefer IH over torches.
I have tried all sorts of torches from 3 to 2 to 1 flame. Some of those little bastards shit the bed at the most inopportune times. As I've said before, you could have a well designed torch that works for someone who comments on it. However, the quality control is shit and for any of those little fuckers, you can buy 20 of them and half of them will not function properly. That coupled with the fact that I have the torch skills of a drunken sailor and a easily irritated throat brings me to prefer the uniform heating of the IH.
When I remember, and it's not often, I like to run the vc through one heating cycle empty before loading for the first time, just to give it a good heat soak. This gives me a real nice first hit, more like the second hit after you load up a cold tip.
@khelek41girl is an OUTSTANDING woodturner that doesn't get NEARLY the exposure she DESERVES!