Ask for forgiveness
Okay boys and girls, it's 2012
What are the relevant topics to choose from today?
Note: I'm a medical user with mobility issues and spend long days in bed. I need a debowler to be spill-proof above all else.
@BabyFacedFinster yeah man, I love the idea of blowing out. Way easier. I hardly ever 'dig' out AVB.
What about putting a one way flap type opening? Like a flexible piece of thick silicon with a slit to put the tip in, blow, pull out. I like the idea of putting a tip in, blowing my load, pulling out and then... Wait, this is getting creepy.
No, seriously. If there was some sort of cover to prevent any blowback it'd be cool. It doesn't matter how gentle I puff my AVB into a bowl of dry AVB it always makes a mess.
Or for a rather pocket hungry slightly more refined solution to blowing your load, Elev8 Glass offer a nice all-glass option for this purpose in the form of the Duff Jar . . .
And of course, you can't beat a good ol' dose of enthusiasm from 7th Floor Steve . . .
It seems they take custom work too, so I've no doubt this could be made to perfectly fit a VapCap tip. Now that would be pretty sweet.
@crudo - welcome to the click. I use a single flame all of the time when indoors - it gives the best control which means you can really tailor each session to your liking.
But when out & about (or in a more draughty environment), I find a double or tripple flame far more suited for grabbing those quick & as discreet as possible rips while no one is looking
So yeah, if I were you I'd definitely pick up a single flame torch as well, at least for home use.
Have fun.
Yeah, I know it may not be very helpful but I would say mostly just take your pick of what you like the look of & you'll soon find out what works for you the best.Any recommendation or just a random Amazon one for a few €?
Thinking about the zippo butan one
I bought this single flame torch on Amazon, for $50. Sure, you can buy much cheaper ones, and buy them 2-3 times when they fail, just as I have over the years. I felt my new DV deserved better. You can also LOCK the flame ON, many lighters don’t allow that.
Ok, enough with this talk about blowing into stems being dangerous. If someone wants to make a thread on the topic, go for it, but we're not going to allow that discussion to derail this thread further.
Thank you.
Ha, nice caveat, dude.
Aaaanyway, DynaVap anyone?
Wow! Looks like VapeWellness have sold out of their stock of DynaTec Apollo 2 induction heaters in less than 48hrs.
Anyone here snag one?
@Ratchett makes a vape spittoon that looks pretty nifty. You can buy just the lid if you've got your own mason jar.
I was excited to get my early 4/20 ti-bb9 setup.
Taking it out of the package....they changed the carb/airport/whateveryoursupposedtocallit.
Now there is an extruded hole so it sticks out above the surface a good mm or 2. Great for those that
actually use it....bad for those that like to block it off.
Unfortunately...I got a dud or low-qc one...the joint fits looser than a $5 ..... lol
Have to return this one and ask for anything that have flush carbs if possible.
I dont think it is possible for this thread to stay on Seriously....
I will not talk about duff/ash trays...............duh.....just did....crap....self moderating myself now and going back to work in the basement where my other BB9 is waiting.
I checked your Instagram wow beautiful pieces! Do you ship to the UK as would get a few things to make it worth while for shipping etc
I followed you on there also (boxmodkings)
I was about to click checkout when @TommyDee mentioned the alpine. Will be pre ordering this if I get a chance portable and only $99. Will be 50/50 as it’s untested but think would be a good idea to check this one out. Can always revisit the DynaTec one later.
I actually saw this and thought what it was! Anyone got one of these and if so, is it smell proof?
I have the exact same as you there. while I haven’t checked the joint firs right the carb is raised also.
think they changed it so you can find where it is easily as with out it being raised can see me frantically looking for it. I think anyway. these are the newer versions.
will check the joint size and confirm if similar issue.
Talking about smell proof sad to say the Dynastash is not smell proofsad
My DS from the first release about four years ago is definitely pretty odor containing - there has been so many times when I've been places & reached in to a coat pocket to find my phone or something only to grab my DynaStash instead, which really was NOT supposed to be there. And on every occasion such as this that it has occured so far (yeah, it happens far too often) I have been so thankful that it was my hand that found it first & not my nose . . . or far worse, somebody else's.sad to say the Dynastash is not smell proof
I would be really surprised if George intentionally shipped defective tips, even as a freebie. Blems with a burr or discolorations or misscut ridges on the outside are one thing, but do you have a properly cut 19M tip to compare it to?C-Vap. They sent out the shallow cut '19s. Sorry George, I wouldn't give this to a friend. It would just harp on the stigma of VC's not drawing well. If a friend needs a DV, I'll give them one of the more functional ones out of my already budding collection.
Ow the confusion!
Anyway . . .
My DS from the first release about four years ago is definitely pretty odor containing - there has been so many times when I've been places & reached in to a coat pocket to find my phone or something only to grab my DynaStash instead, which really was NOT supposed to be there. And on every occasion such as this that it has occured so far (yeah, it happens far too often) I have been so thankful that it was my hand that found it first & not my nose . . . or far worse, somebody else's.
Now that's some pretty heft padauk on the lid of my Stash, and I've got it fastened fairly tight, but I have no idea how they've been built going forward, although I would hope this feature has been retained as it's essential imo.
How loose is your lid when you spin it? Maybe it could use tightening? . . . . . . . Or maybe you just have da absolute skunky funky stinky goodness and nothing's holding that shit back?
Agreed, and my post is simply this: to turn an M into an Omni, it is not about the metal so much as the air inlet lacking the vents in the M. you can raise the cap OR you can turn an M into a more expensive model, albeit without the chamber adjustment for microdosing and the thermal properties of Ti vs SS.You can call it what you like but thousands, probably tens of thousands would disagree. A flaw so fatal that the device quickly became a worldwide success.
Which is often not the case.
I do. Definitely different. It doesn't draw. Worse than my '18-M original. Clicker is a one-click old style that sometimes clicks twice randomly. And a Karma vape engraved '18 stem.I would be really surprised if George intentionally shipped defective tips, even as a freebie. Blems with a burr or discolorations or misscut ridges on the outside are one thing, but do you have a properly cut 19M tip to compare it to?