Well-Known Member
Whoa, someone actually makes one with a carb hole? Sign me up!grazie paisan
Whoa, someone actually makes one with a carb hole? Sign me up!grazie paisan
Bitches, please...I’ve saved so much money on weed since I switched to vaping in late 2015. If you’re feeling bitchy about vape and vape accessory pricing, just get out your one hitter, your papers, your bong...that’s real money.
I have a lucid metal wall powered induction heater, its great, I really love it. 150.00 I still think is way too much for a fancy dancy lighter. I am not cheap I will buy what I want, but I'm not gonna get beat when there are other options cheaper and just as good. I understand there is big demand for these things, but this one is twice the price of the dam dynavap m for gods sake!
Hey everyone I had a lot of pages to catch up on. What? DV hasn't released the IH yet?!?
First, my 2 cents on the Hydravong. While not super innovative or a game changer, I like it much better than the last design. I think it feels really good in the hand, spins super well and looks cool. Do you need it if you already have a Vong? if you are a collector, yes. If you dont already have a Vong, yes. If you already have one, you can probably live without it.
I have been really distracted by my sudden, massive improvement in my mental and physical health since my surgery. I'm feeling like my old self again, getting out on the bike on a regular basis and trying not to spend to much time in front of the computer.
And just for fun. Talk about getting your back up!!
I had no idea what it was or why it was there.
I have a lucid metal wall powered induction heater, its great, I really love it. 150.00 I still think is way too much for a fancy dancy lighter. I am not cheap I will buy what I want, but I'm not gonna get beat when there are other options cheaper and just as good. I understand there is big demand for these things, but this one is twice the price of the dam dynavap m for gods sake!
That's what I need to do...get back to my bicycles. I've been lazy, taking an Uber/Lyft to work way too often lately.
Though, It's quite hot this time of year It's not unheard of for it to be well over 90F at night
Plus like @david8613 said, these things are ridiculously expensive for the simple job they do, imo. I don't understand the demand for it one bit! Why not just go directly for a battery powered portable vaporizer then?
Amen to this. Did the same. And am very happy with my dyna brick and lotus combo. One for easy on the go and micro. One for on the go and macro. And quicker extraction.In my opinion, it sounds like you might be trying to use a dynavap for every situation, because that's how I felt. Spent a bunch of money on vapcaps and accessories, trying to come up with a configuration for every use, but it seemed like I was never truly satisfied.
Now, I use my dynavaps only in two situations:
1) Out and about, a dynavap is fantastic in a Dynastash.
2) When I'm running low on herb and I want to stretch it out.
But my daily is my SBrunt. It's faster and has a larger bowl. Flavor is phenomenal. I don't like the vapcaps less than I did earlier, I just use them for what they were originally intended. On the go, quick hits, micro dose.
YOu get five out of yours? I haven't run it to dead, but I have only run 4 bowls through my Mini before recharging. It may be my imagination, but once I get down below the green and yellow lights on battery charge, it seems as if performance drops....but again, completely subjective and biased by my experience with other Li battery powered vape devices.
Definitely wont be interested if it’s just a lucid customs heater with no collaboration from dynavap? Just marketing it? Lucid just removed the mini induction heater from his website, which was $200. Extremely overpriced, it outrages me. It only lasts 5 bowls max
I don’t know what the hell is going on here but if it’s only wall powered, even bigger turn off for me. Hope they get they shit straight
YOu get five out of yours? I haven't run it to dead, but I have only run 4 bowls through my Mini before recharging. It may be my imagination, but once I get down below the green and yellow lights on battery charge, it seems as if performance drops....but again, completely subjective and biased by my experience with other Li battery powered vape devices.
Now, as to DV designing their own....they a basically mech engineers and a machine shop. They are not an electrical design and manf firm. I would have def gone out to an electronics design firm for design and contract manf for manufacturing (but qtys may be well too low for this...but there are a LOT of electronic device contract manf out there)
We will see what comes of it, but if its a bog standard Lucid, then I think DV missed the boat. I, and I believe many others, were looking for a truly professional and feature rich job resulting in a durable product with long battery life.
...of champions
@Vape weed everyday get in touch if you'd like to piggy back the @Pipes order I'll be making.
@Rollingstoned and @Baron23 where you aware of the short run times on the Lucid mini?
I'd have been seriously disappointed with 4-5 bowls.
These things are power hungry and to get decent battery life out of them you need high amp outputs and a higher voltage.
Pipes lead the way and he's the one with the most experience in the IH market.
After finding reliability issues with the Chinese stuff he decided to strip each board and rework them.
I'd imagine sales are easily in triple figures. 10-15 bowls off the Lipo and silly figures from the triple 18650.
I get the disappointment in this not being a true 'Dynavap' product.
I also understand but don't understand why DV has taken this route.
Electronic equipment can be a pain in the ass to get onto the market, testing, build quality and litigation all play a big part in it.
Plus the hassle of a CE certification.
What I don't understand is why they didn't persue their own cup design. Under the lid there were no signs of it being made by another IH maker.
The grinder is another thing and IMO a CNC machine shop selling another companies product confuses the shit out of me. They could have been making VC specific grinders that fit nicely over the bowl.
Time and staffing probably played a part in it.
2 more days vacation and it's back to Blighty. There is a 40 stem order going out to everyone's favourite high altitude US retailer so if anyone wants to see a specific design get in touch.
I have a lucid metal wall powered induction heater, its great, I really love it. 150.00 I still think is way too much for a fancy dancy lighter. I am not cheap I will buy what I want, but I'm not gonna get beat when there are other options cheaper and just as good. I understand there is big demand for these things, but this one is twice the price of the dam dynavap m for gods sake!
@Vape weed everyday get in touch if you'd like to piggy back the @Pipes order I'll be making.
@Rollingstoned and @Baron23 where you aware of the short run times on the Lucid mini?
I'd have been seriously disappointed with 4-5 bowls.
These things are power hungry and to get decent battery life out of them you need high amp outputs and a higher voltage.
Pipes lead the way and he's the one with the most experience in the IH market.
After finding reliability issues with the Chinese stuff he decided to strip each board and rework them.
I'd imagine sales are easily in triple figures. 10-15 bowls off the Lipo and silly figures from the triple 18650.
I get the disappointment in this not being a true 'Dynavap' product.
I also understand but don't understand why DV has taken this route.
Electronic equipment can be a pain in the ass to get onto the market, testing, build quality and litigation all play a big part in it.
Plus the hassle of a CE certification.
What I don't understand is why they didn't persue their own cup design. Under the lid there were no signs of it being made by another IH maker.
The grinder is another thing and IMO a CNC machine shop selling another companies product confuses the shit out of me. They could have been making VC specific grinders that fit nicely over the bowl.
Time and staffing probably played a part in it.
2 more days vacation and it's back to Blighty. There is a 40 stem order going out to everyone's favourite high altitude US retailer so if anyone wants to see a specific design get in touch.
HI Piggie - hope all is well with you and yours.
So, I just took a look at our email correspondence with Chris of Lucid (who was very pleasant to deal with) and didn't see any battery capacity projections so I went to his website and wow, what a surprise.
All he sells now is a larger, rough metal looking box, called the Atlas. I presume this is in anticipation of using DV as the retail outlet for his heaters??
In any case, on the site it says: "I typically get 20-25 clicks off of each charge. It recharges to full power after about an hour of charging."
So yes, four or five bowls which, quite frankly, ain't enough.
I have a Mini (not made anymore) and Chris indicated that you do need some level of battery charge and that it doesn't do pure pass through. Mine is indeed a battery operated with charger and not a wall plug desktop unit.
Whatever DV and Lucid have some up with, I would strongly suggest that they follow Flux by incorporating much larger battery capacity. I don't mind plugging it in...for me, its basically a home unit, but it is very nice to be able to take it to different rooms in the house and not worry about plugging in (as well as for travel).
My optimum would be two or three 18650 WITH full pass through so you can just plug it in and have it work without regard for battery charge level.
100.00/130.00 is a cool price point imo, more than that Its a bit too much.
I’ve heard tales of George at trade shows with an IH that looked like a big cup, it was portable and George would run around heating Vapcaps from it and offering them to people. What happened to that prototype?