I also use mesh just a circle that hugs the inner bowl. Really works good for rosin, will have to try your way.Xclerk inside is my version of the dynacoil. I made them out of stainless steel mesh. I bought the mesh out of china for about 2.50 for a 5 ft roll. The width of the roll is perfect for the dynavap. I cut 4 inch strips and basically roll a crutch with 17 folds interlock the first and last ones. Hope that makes sense. I made 30 of them @ a cost of less than 20 cents a piece. I use 3 plastic boxes that taps come in they hold 10 coils each. One gram of distilate loads the 30 coils. I warm the coils with a lighter and the distilate disappears into the mesh. No mess and I'm ready to go for quite a while. I've used these coils at least 25 times and they don't even need cleaning yet. When the dynacoil came out I bought one to compare to mine. Both work well but i'm biased toward mine they definately are capable of holding more concentrate.
Also its faster to slap in coil than it is to load with herb. I highly recommend this if your into concentrates.
Yo what’s up guys. I put together a little video of some tips and tricks that I’ve learned throughout my years of using vapcaps.
Nicely done sir. Subscribed.Yo what’s up guys. I put together a little video of some tips and tricks that I’ve learned throughout my years of using vapcaps. I hope some of you find this useful!
along with my new @phattpiggie stem because it also fits a 10mm connection like a champ
Hmm. I have a very similar stem from @phattpiggie. I wonder how well mine sits in a 10mm joint?Its a pure fluke that the square sits in a 10mm joint.
I shouldn't say it. But my xl glass Charlie stem has survived much abuse, use, cleanings erc.. Last cleaning I had to use some dynawax to get the ss tip on the fit was unusually tight. Need a backup. @StringTheorista I like that glass stem. So thick, nice length. Link?My long glass charlie stem received a nice crack on the bottom out of nowhere.
Great idea on lining up the cap tail with the carb ... with my far sightedness its been sometimes difficult finding the carb on my Omni ... thanks
Nicely done sir. Subscribed.
Here's a question without notice... Can you vape smoking tobacco in the Cap? Anyone tried it?
Yes it is indeed possible.
There's a lovely group of folks over in Japan that love Dynavap just like we do, but since they can't partake in Cannabis, I think most of them are using it for tobacco.
Anybody try the 'hula' stems from sneaky Petes shop?
Hmm. I have a very similar stem from @phattpiggie. I wonder how well mine sits in a 10mm joint?
Just found one of these cup holder ashtrays in my truck works perfect as a abv catch