Hello again everyone!
Today is an exceptionally beautiful day here in Montreal,around 20 degrees C, gorgeous blue sky and sun, basically the first actual nice day we've seen this spring.
I however, have been blatantly ignoring the sun all day to stay inside and check my mailbox every hour on the hour. why? Because I looked at my tracking this morning and not only my DV order, but also my torch were both out for delivery! I got a knock on the door at around 1130 and I knew it had to be the mailman. He had a rather large box with him, I was a little confused at the size but then realized this was the torch, since I ordered a can of xikar butane with it they bubble wrapped the hell out of it.
Torch was a little finicky on the first tank but seems to have broken in nicely now and is lighting more or less on every button click.
I asked the mailman if he had another package for me, he said no, but assured me that if it was a smaller package, it would be delivered in a few hours with the regular lettermail.
So I waited some more, started watching freaks and geeks to pass the time, forgot how much I love that show.went down to check at 12:30... Still nothing.
I had been conserving the last of my bud since the weekend in anticipation of my Ms arrival and was down to one last nug of death bubba, roughly a gram or a little less.
After a couple more episodes of Fs&Gs, took another trip down stairs to check the mailbox.... Noticed some paper peeking through the little grate on the front, felt my heart literally skip a beat as I turned the key to open it up....... Aaaaaaaaaaand voila! My vapcap had finally arrived!
once I took it upstairs and tore into the envelope, I realized that aside from the 2018 m and screens I had paid for, I also had a maintenance kit thrown in for free! I remember seeing a banner for free maintenance kit with 2018m purchase while I was making the order but never saw the kit in my cart so assumed it was just a fluke, I was gonna order all this stuff separately from somewhere in Canada but now I don't have to!
Thanks George and the whole DV team for turning a long shipping time into an experience worth waiting for!!

As for the device itself, everything arrived squeaky clean from what I could see, no issues with cap fitment either. I did notice some very light machining scratches on the very end of the body but not even on a visible part of the body, literally on the ledge that you press the tip into, so complete non issue performance wise or cosmetically, just something I noticed while carefully inspecting everything. Other than that minor microdetail, fit and finish were flawless right out of the package.
I decided to give the condenser and tip a quick little bath anyway just to be 100% sure there was no machine oil residue or any thing in the air path, so I took one of the extra doob toobs and filled it about 60/40 hot water/iso, took the condenser out and removed the orings and popped the tip and condenser in, closed the cap and gave it a good shake for about 2 minutes. once I had everything rinsed, dried and re assembled I was just jonezin for a good cap. I used the suction method to pack my bowl, this was natural to me as I usually do the same thing to clean up spilled bud when rolling a joint.
I'm extremely pleased to report that my first experience as a full on vap cap owner was even better than just trying one (which I posted about a few pages ago). I ended up going through 4 caps and feeling like a modern day update to the Bob narley classic jam.:
"I vape 2 caps in the morning, vape 2 caps at night,
vape 2 caps in the afternoon. It makes me feel alright,
I vape 2 caps in time of peace and 2 in time of war,
I vape 2 caps before I vape 2 caps, and then I vape 2 more

Best of all I still have enough left for another few caps later!
I might have to forget about women for a while, I think I'm in love.