Well-Known Member
I love my Vapcaps, every one of them. I use them all, all the time. My latest love is a @phattpiggie stem. It's a Snakewood and Blackwood Square. The Snakewood is luscious and exotic. The grain is hypnotic. Like every @phattpiggie stem, the workmanship is perfection. The wood is smooth as glass. The squared design prevents any rolling. It just stays where you put it. I love my Vapcaps. A stem for every occasion.
This one replaces my PP Blackwood Square that my Avatar Cat, Caleb, stole from me. He was completely enamoured with it and one day it disappeared.
At first I thought that I had misplaced it, but I couldn't find it anywhere. He's stolen it before and I eventually found it in his basket of toys. He's had an obsession with it for some time. He ignores my other stems, but he loved that Blackwood. Only that Blackwood. He's not interested in my Dynavap Blackwood body at all, just my Phattpiggie Square.
I began keeping in a burl box when not in use, but I got lazy and left it out one day. Now it's gone.
I've checked all his hiding places, his basket of toys, the favorite spot the basement. I've looked under the human beds and the cat beds. No Blackwood stem nowhere, nada. I checked his food dish, under the counters, under rugs. Nothing but crumbs and fluff.
This crime has placed a wedge between us. Sure, he still cuddles up with me and bares his tummy for rubs. He purrs and looks longingly with feigned innocence into my eyes. But I know and he knows he took it. If he brings it back all will be forgiven.
In the meantime I have a stunning Snakewood replacement. It WILL be kept out of sight when not in use. I couldn't hear for a second square to go missing.
you made me laugh
please feel free to show us the vapcap custom stem stealing cat that calls himself by the name of caleb... (means "dog" or "with full heart")
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