I personally have never had this issue. Sometimes I have trouble keeping the heat level where I want it, but it is always evenEven with the current size of tip and slow heating I run into the issue of my load near the walls of the tip get roasted first and the centre of the load is still fairly green.
Has there been any news about the Dynavap official induction heater since 4/20? Work has picked up a lot and haven't been able to keep up with the Dynavap live shows or even this thread so I have no idea if there have been any developments on it.
The problem with making a larger tip and cap is that the ratio of surface area to volume starts to change, as well as the distance from the heat source (the walls of the tip) to the centre of the material. Even with the current size of tip and slow heating I run into the issue of my load near the walls of the tip get roasted first and the centre of the load is still fairly green. Perhaps it's my method of heating but I can only see this effect getting more pronounced as the diameter of the tip increases.
Something I've thought of is a vapcap with a spike or column down the centre of the tip or cap which displaces the load to the outer walls and makes for a more even cooking. This would make a larger tip possible and get around this issue.
I use a hot single flame near the bottom of the cap then switch to the middle of the cap for the follow up cycle. This means that I get a lot of conduction happening on the outside and the convection simply does not cook the middle as much.I personally have never had this issue. Sometimes I have trouble keeping the heat level where I want it, but it is always even
It's out in very small numbers, like a handful, of Alpha-testers. A bit wider net will be thrown with Beta-testing following that. I'm beginning to think my earlier guess of July 4th a bit optimistic.
The last concrete thing George said was sometime between "now and September" at a DV Live in April but well before the 4/20 broadcast.
I bet it's less than a thimbles worth. I have a thimble and it fits over my index finger not quite to the first knuckle. I couldn't vape that much in a day. But I'm a lightweight and vape little nugs that I rip off from unground flowers. That nug bounces around in the chamber and is always very evenly colored. If I were to vape more, I think I would prefer a couple of small loads to a packed one and I think I get more bang for the buck this way. Every couple hours I load a tiny bit and vape it till it produces vapor no more.I’m totally blown away by how many vapor-full sessions I can get from the very smallest amount of bud. I would call the amount of bud a thimble-full. (Wish I could find a thimble around here somewhere to measure it for sure.)![]()
* I call them every night to talk with George before going to sleep, about closing time at DV HQ's CST. They did eventually ask me to stop doing this. But they were so darn nice about it that I plan to continue until I see some formal cease-and-desist paperwork.![]()
Wait, is this why I have such trouble getting through to them every evening?
Never doubt the power of Kitty Magic. There is a reason many cultures, especially the Egyptians, deified and worshiped them. They are smart and wise.I'm loving this! Not sure why these pictures make me feel so happy?! Kitty Magick?!
Olivia is stunning!This is Olivia
I dont. Too lazy. But many do.Do you guys stir mid bowl?
Hello Everybody! I've been watching without much to contribute lately but I just have to say something about all the beautiful kitties cause my heart is just a puddle! I'm an animal lover deluxe so of course loving the pictures, better still imo are the stories and info about them. Such a great combo of heartwarming and LOL funny! I'm so grateful that this thread is the way it is. I'm grateful that @stark1 makes me LOL so often... It's a bullet train with so many great contributions from all over that makes it so entertaining.
I'm so glad George popped by to reassure those who don't know how DV rolls. I don't want to sound like I'm bragging or showboating but having talked with the man many times* I know that he indeed does care about each VC customers experience. That attitude is passed on to everyone else at DV. "Retail" Joe told me he feels a personal responsibility to us, he's the customers advocate. Only a company that cares about their peeps creates a position and culture like that!
Completely OT, but a few have reached out to ask (thanks!) and I'm lazyso please ignore and move along if you don't care. About a week or so I had a lymph node swell on my neck; my immune system is chronically jacked up and I've had more lymph node biopsies and surgeries than I can count. But 15 yrs ago, one swelled up and exploded in my neck requiring emergency surgery before its contents killed me and they're more concerned. So I'm on crazy antibiotics and sleeping too much lately! It's responding well so hopefully no scalpel will be required. If health permits, I'm definitely going to London-town to meet George & everyone else who might be there!
Hey Doc! You still getting your walk on? Been thinking of you, hoping the progress continues!
* I call them every night to talk with George before going to sleep, about closing time at DV HQ's CST. They did eventually ask me to stop doing this. But they were so darn nice about it that I plan to continue until I see some formal cease-and-desist paperwork.![]()