@beyond6strings awesome jams dude!! I'm gonna try out that dadgad tuning on electric, I've been in a bit of a writing slump with my band lately and have been thinking a different tuning could make things interesting, we usually tune in drop c# already so just a matter of getting those high strings tuned down a step. Will be fun to try out some of those chord voicings in a more distorted aggressive fashion
Anyway keeping things on topic, while still eagerly awaiting my order from the 420 sale, my friend received his 18m which he ordered from a canadian vendor, and gave it to me to try out on my break at work yesterday, along with a little bit of pre ground bud he had in an empty pill bottle and a single flame dollar store torch.
I walked a reasonable distance away from my office building to a little stealthy spot I share with some other colleagues. packed my first ever cap, got the torch out, aimed it in the middle of the cap, got my flame and spin going. Heard the click, grabbed the choke, started to pull and was BLOWN AWAY.
All my anxiety about accidentally combusting or even underheating was in my head. Even outside in relatively windy conditions, with quite honestly the cheapest torch lighter available, I was able to achieve the biggest, most flavorful, and most potent 3 hits I've ever had from any vaporizer in my life.
I hit 3 cycles and waited for the last cool down click, then popped the cap off just to take a look at the reamains because honestly, although the taste didn't taste like smoke, I was having a hard time believing that I got that big of a cloud from just vapor. Yet again, all my worries were laid to rest when I saw the perfectly even, golden brown abv that was left in the chamber. I can't believe I nailed my first cap like a pro! I guess I have all the great YouTube videos and of course you great bunch of capheads to thank, as well as my own obsessiveness about new toys

Anyway, all this to say I'm even more convinced now that this is the ONE! The herb vape that will finally get me off joints for good! No more gross ashtrays full of roaches and rez! No more morning flem coughs! No more burning through a 200 dollar oz in 8 days

.......now I just hope the thing will hurry up and get here!