I picked up an IQC about six weeks ago. (Thanks to my mother-in-law who took delivery in NJ, because ME is one of the states with bizarre shipping laws now….Yeesh. Another story.) I wanted to live with it for a bit before jotting down my thoughts.
But in a nutshell….I love this little guy. My first few sessions I used the hydrotube, along with the SS capsules. I really like the water tool…its design is quite clever and it works well, mostly. However, I did have a couple instances where water leaked into the vapor path, getting the weed wet and putting the kibosh on the rest of the session. (The ingenious design of the ICQ helps here….the electronics being totally separate means a water leak does no harm whatsoever.)
I’ve settled into a routine that works well for me, similar to how I use the Mighty. I pack flower densely into the bottom half of a capsule, drop in some extract, pile on more flower, and pack that densely. This sandwich will produce tons of thick vapor all afternoon, Works great. (Haven‘t used the hydrotube much lately.)
Overall this is an impressive, consistent, and powerful little beast and well worth the money.
Top notch build quality.
Essy to use. Zero learning curve.
Vapor path free of electronics….you can see from the top to the bottom.
Consistent high quality vapor. (Conduction is underrated….convection has great flavor but can be a pain in the ass half the time.)
Nice temp range, thankfully getting up to 221C.
Stainless steel capsules are high quality and easy to use.
Auto shutoff gives you plenty of time.
Cool dot matrix temp display.
Removable battery (though I had issues getting the battery cover shut when first activating it, and haven’t opened it since!)
Small and stealthy, if that’s important to you (I don’t really need it here, but it’s nice how compact this guy is).
Unit can get quite hot after a few rounds. The SS capsule may be exacerbating this by adding more metal to the mass.
Battery cover is a bitch to close.
Overall an outstanding little vape with tons of power and versatility, easy to use, and a consistent thick vapor producer. It’s the first flower vape I’ve owned since the Mighty that really impresses me. I may need to buy a backup.

If you’re on the fence about buying one, get off the fence now. You won’t regret it.