Many thanks

That's the only place I've seen (thanks to you) that claims to have stock. Verdampfnochmal charges an absolute fortune for shipping to the UK sadly, almost as much as they're asking for the pods themselves!
I had planned to get a zirconia mouthpiece, ceramic pods and a zirc' flavour chamber, but I might just settle for some steel pods from somewhere in the UK.
Can anyone here compare flavour between the steel and ceramic pods?
I just received my used/as new IQC and put it through it's first heat up with herb in the oven and I'm REALLY impressed with the thick dense vapour on smartpath4! It's better than the taste of the highest mIQro smartpath, less 'overly cooked' if you know what I mean.
The flavour is really good, different to convection sure, but really quite tasty.
Compared to my TM2, Morwood vapes or ball vape the taste is less 'full 4K high-definition flavour microscope' and quite a lot more 'well seared steak at a mere 1080p' but I kinda love the slight throwback to the taste of smoke (it's been many years for me now). Don't get me wrong, smoking tastes like licking an ashtray while huffing a bonfire and I wouldn't want to replicate that experience, but the thickness, density and slight 'roasty' taste reminds me of the satisfaction of a thick hit off a J.
It's also nice to have another vape that can do short 'sippy' draws like a J without the need to pull a bunch of hot air through the load before it starts to give up the goods.
So can anyone compare the SS/ceramic pods?
Is it worth the extra expense, or have you tried both and find there's no difference?
I personally find that vapes with SS ovens or components do taste slightly metallic, but not always, so I'd be keen to hear from anyone who can compare the pods directly.