Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

Mister G

Deceptively Old Fart
Does this news support the earlier post regarding a rumored Crafty2 with user-replaceable battery?

Just got this in my email:


Attention vaporizer friends, we have outstanding news for you! We are reducing the prices of our premium Storz & Bickel products. All of our high quality vaporizers and spare parts are now available at a more favorable price.

Get your new Storz & Bickel Vaporizer Complete Set and enjoy the best vapor quality.

Volcano Classic: was $539, now $479

Volcano Digital: was $669, now $599

Plenty: was $349, now $299

Mighty: was $469, now $399

Crafty: was $399, now $339

No mention in the email of this being a temporary sale... looks like it's permanent?


Well-Known Member
The price drop seems to be more as a result of the strong US dollar relative to the euro, rather than a goodwill gesture. If I exchange to CAD it's still pretty much the same cost.

I see a few people getting excited about replaceable batteries because a 3 post user told us to "wait"
I'm gonna go ahead and guess that this is a warranty voiding 3rd party aftermarket solution, and not an official upgrade from storz & bickel. A device with a security sticker and torx screws was not designed to have batteries swapped. Maybe a later revision will allow it, but I'm skeptical of an official option from s&b for the first gen crafty/mighty.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna go ahead and guess that this is a warranty voiding 3rd party aftermarket solution, and not an official upgrade from storz & bickel.

I think it's more like a personal mod......
but still, a 3D printer can do magic instantly.......

I've seen that youtube video where someone opened a crafty. when I saw the components ,housing, etc, the first thing that crossed my mind was:
aahh, an easy replaceable battery mod. but yes the warranty will be gone....

Vapor Loop

Well-Known Member
After seeing both the Mighty and Crafty in 2001 i'm pretty sure i can wait for the replaceable battery version. I wonder if S&b even knew about it that far back considering the first Volcano was only released that year.
Vapor Loop,
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Well-Known Member
I have some low profile 3D printed battery sleds that would probably fit in the crafty. I think the ideal solution involves a custom designed pcb uploaded to OSH Park so anyone can buy it. You could easily incorporate the thermocouple that's shrink wrapped into the stock battery onto the battery holder pcb, allowing standard batteries to be used while still retaining the heat protection.
2 of these and the custom pcb would be all you would need.


Well-Known Member
I have some low profile 3D printed battery sleds that would probably fit in the crafty. I think the ideal solution involves a custom designed pcb uploaded to OSH Park so anyone can buy it. You could easily incorporate the thermocouple that's shrink wrapped into the stock battery onto the battery holder pcb, allowing standard batteries to be used while still retaining the heat protection.
2 of these and the custom pcb would be all you would need. seems we are almost there.....:wave:


So how does the pass through work exactly? I find if I have only 2 bars it won't charge while I use it, but if it has more than 3 it charges sometimes, like whenever it wants to? Does that sound right?

And sometimes it won't charge, is that due to the fact that the temp is still too high?


Well-Known Member
So how does the pass through work exactly? I find if I have only 2 bars it won't charge while I use it, but if it has more than 3 it charges sometimes, like whenever it wants to? Does that sound right?

And sometimes it won't charge, is that due to the fact that the temp is still too high?

I have to start by saying i don't know the exact figures off the top of my head:hmm:, but that sounds about right:tup:.

The pass through is crap if I'm honest as with most portables, even more so when the battery is fixed (and cant be swapped out easy after long heavy usage) like in the Crafty:doh:. True pass through would be different but thats not whats happening here.

Whats really happening is your charging the battery while using it, the power still comes from the battery not your power outlet. Think of it this way how long does it take to charge? And how long does it take to run flat? There is no way the supplied power could keep up with the usage.

The battery normally has to have minimum 20% to work pass through in other vapes I'm guessing the crafty is a little more if not the same, in the end no matter what you do though it will run out.

Now i have never used mine pass through but just the (let's be generous:rolleyes:) 30-45 minute run time and 2 hour charge time shows that at best it uses 2.5'ish times more power than it can replace in the same time.

And i think i remember the crafty does have a safety feature that means it wont charge if too hot, batteries don't like heat so this would make sense:clap:.


thanks @UnshavenFish for confirming... that's really too bad, because i'm finding the 3 bowls plus a long re-charge pretty difficult for my needs. I'm thinking the mighty is much more suitable for my needs. I think i'll compromise with its size, and then get another crafty when/if they release one with swappable batteries. Then I wouldn't mind the short battery life at all.


Well-Known Member
2:49 heat up time to 180'C. Feels like the battery slowly looses performance, but I can still vape 2 or 2.5 bowls before it's completely dead...

Did you try to clean or change the screen in the bowl? I've noticed the Crafty heats faster when i've a fresh screen in it. I'm still in 30 hours with no problems, vaping every day for 5/10 minutes (I kill bowls fast :))


Well-Known Member
thanks @UnshavenFish for confirming... that's really too bad, because i'm finding the 3 bowls plus a long re-charge pretty difficult for my needs. I'm thinking the mighty is much more suitable for my needs. I think i'll compromise with its size, and then get another crafty when/if they release one with swappable batteries. Then I wouldn't mind the short battery life at all.

Yeah i would get frustrated with my crafty if i didn't have others to use or if i used it more than i do, but for me it fit nicely in my line up, for some it will work for others it wont cut it, but things like tolerance plays a part here.

Some people could get around this with a power bank and charge after each use giving shorter charge times but that wont work for everyone's usage, from what i understand the mighty charge time is similar but with two batteries, so it must charge at double the rate this is where the crafty using USB is limited.

And while i would love to see a crafty with a changeable battery i cant see it happening for a while, i have said before it would make the mighty almost pointless apart from on device temp control, and IMO s&b wont want to take away all that profit just yet.

I'm sure its possible to change the battery or come up with a aftermarket solution but i don't want to have to tear my crafty apart just to change it, and the internals and shell right now would need a total redesign to add a battery door so cant see the current crafty ever having one.

I'm guessing that could be somewhere they go in the future, instead of two units for different needs just one that gives the best of both worlds and dominates in the portable area:rockon:


I guess it's just a rumour? I can still see there being a need for the Mighty though, it's similar to the Solo/Air relationship IMO. The Air just doesn't cut it battery wise for me either, but the Solo does, as will the Mighty i'm assuming. You're right about tolerance though, and each serves a specific purpose, i just have the wrong one for my needs. But it was the Crafty that started my love affair! :rockon:


Well-Known Member
Did you try to clean or change the screen in the bowl? I've noticed the Crafty heats faster when i've a fresh screen in it. I'm still in 30 hours with no problems, vaping every day for 5/10 minutes (I kill bowls fast :))

Thx for your advice but this isn't working for sure. It does change the performance and of course the temp in the bowl when heated up, but not heat up time.

How could the sieve influence heat up times since the temp sensor isn't located in the bowl but near the heater "far away" from the sieves? :shrug:


Well-Known Member
After seeing both the Mighty and Crafty in 2001 i'm pretty sure i can wait for the replaceable battery version. I wonder if S&b even knew about it that far back considering the first Volcano was only released that year.
they were made in 2001? wtf took em so long to get on the market lol
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Putin is a War Criminal
I'm guessing that could be somewhere they go in the future, instead of two units for different needs just one that gives the best of both worlds and dominates in the portable area
There is no doubt that the Crafty is a great product and will be popular with many, but I find it hard to imagine that a $350 portable with an unchangeable battery will ever "dominate" the portable market. Great as it may be there are just too many who won't spend that much. Even dropping it $100 leaves it still pretty expensive for many.

Mr Mellish

Well-Known Member
I think S&B must be listening, given the recent price slash. It's a start!

I was a bit taken aback by the price but my Crafty has been a champ. So far beyond the Pinnacle Pro. Without the pad, it is quite smooth. I couldn't hit the PnP without coughing but the Crafty only causes a bit of a tickle. Here's hoping the GH lives up to its claims!


Well-Known Member
There is no doubt that the Crafty is a great product and will be popular with many, but I find it hard to imagine that a $350 portable with an unchangeable battery will ever "dominate" the portable market. Great as it may be there are just too many who won't spend that much. Even dropping it $100 leaves it still pretty expensive for many.

The bit before you quoted me i was talking about adding a battery door and that this is somewhere they may go in the future, sorry if i wasn't clear, i can waffle a little, on that note:myday:...

I think everyone would agree the crafty's battery is its weak point.
And that adding a battery door would take a redesign of at least the shell/case so could/would replace both the crafty and mighty, now this last point is just my opinion as the way i see it the reason to buy the mighty is if you want longer runtime and temp control on device.
If a mix came out that was the same/similar size as the crafty but had user changeable battery (giving longer runtime due to extra batteries, only limited to how many you want to carry) and maybe a small screen (like on some e-cigs) and the option for the app, true pass through would also be nice then this would be something that could dominate as it could then be the only vape you need.

And yes it is over priced even at £198 (around $300?) here in the UK, and if S&B are listening forget the next few word i type :lol: but with the changes i mentioned i would pay more as it would then IMO be close to perfect, i also realise not everyone has the money to spare on something like this but at least with the changes i mentioned it would sort of justify the price, a little at least:shrug:

Sadly the world we live in people will charge as much as they can get away with (with the odd exception) there are great vapes out there at a cheaper price (i own a few) but if there's something i really want i just save up for it, i stopped smoking cigarettes last year and everyday put the money i would have spent (£3-4k per year) in a jar then when i have enough...time to treat myself :clap:
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