Well-Known Member
Problem is that a brand new cooling unit delivers the popcorn vapor as well, so it's not the cleanliness of the original brand new cooling unit that was the problem...
Couple of things, I'm guessing you've used other vapes before? to know the popcorn taste, if not it could just be that 'new vape' thing, i noticed with mine a taste for the first few bowls (4-5) but to me it was more new vape than popcorn taste, now i should say I'm not that sensitive with taste, i never do burn offs with new vapes just a clean, this is something where everyone differs.
If your looking for things to try before sending it off i would suggest as mentioned an ISO wash i use 99% and leave the cu (disassembled) for 30 mins (for me the less time plastic is in ISO the better)
Or run a few bowls through it (low quality stuff if you have it) to put a coating on it.
Forgot you said you used the mighty

If it was me i would try one or both of these things before going through the bother of sending it off, they both should have the same effect either removing anything causing taste with ISO or coating it with oils.
Wishing you luck and hope it a simple fix