I'm in the Century club.
Starting to show a little wear on the battery. My sessions are on the long side, 15 minute-ish, and I get about 2 uses per charge now. 3 if I keep them very short. I still charge after most uses. ( My exact charge habits are documented in a earlier post. ) In the end I really don't know if that has helped or hurt.
I love my Crafty. Best portable vape I've had. But it's kind of a sad cometary on the industry as a whole when after paying 400+ dollars, a person seems to feel lucky to get 100 hours.
I know it's not, and probably won't ever be, but I do think the warenty should cover one free battery change. At this rate on a two year warenty, I'll end up paying $100 to $150 just on battery changes.
I think a person is more likely to fork out another 400+ dollars when SnB's true 2.0 or 2.5 or even 3.0 comes out instead of replacing the batteries for the 3rd time, 4time, etc.
I do love this vape. But I'm seeing a problem down the road I'm not sure I'm liking the look of.
Having said that, to people on the fence trying to decide if they want to pull the trigger, I would still recommend Crafty. With the portables I have owned and experienced through others, it's still the best you can do. ( For my tastes and in my opinion. Lighten up crafty haters!
