just posting my thought's and curious if people are thinking/feeling the same way;
With the Crafty + in my life now, for a few months(67 hours)' had a few "accidents" with this little powerhouse:
First time I dropped 'her' while standing (i'am tall)on a hard wooden floor, she bounced just back up, I didn't even have to bend to catch her in up flight.....

next time ,she got dropped from 2 meters on a concrete floor, she bounced half way back up ,but I was to medicated to respond in time

.(so quite a few bounces after that too....my bad)
next time(last week), I managed to fall of a cliff in the bush, I was(am) very bruised and sore, but thankfully didn't break bones. About every thing in my backpack got smashed to pieces, but not the Crafty+.

now my only other S&B vast experience is with the Mighty, I'm 100% sure that any one of those accidents(yes I'm a bit clumsy.

)would have decimated the Mighty.
But clearly not the Crafty+,I do think that this is because of their improved plastic formula

Also I notice my last Mighty(2019)even though it has (guessed for charge time)about 450 hours on it, doesn't have any cracks whatsoever on the plastics.(quite different then before Mighty's).
I think/feel , that S&B now uses a more durable formula for their plastics.
But even when their plastic was cracking on 'way too many people', I have always felt their product to be the best you can get for normal money.
Ka Kite Green Kiwi.