An insert should be considered mandatory.
I don't think you'll have problems with the 30mm even if the 20mm might be a bit more efficient (some say so but I don't think it's a huge difference). I'm sure its worth saving the money.
I don't think you should have much trouble with caps. I've never had trouble with the Storm Cell. The Tsunami should work fine. If there's a seal and restricted airflow it should perform great.
So I got a dropdown adapter to help protect my piece while dabbing and help trap reclaim and keep it from infiltrating the main piece. I've recently noticed from videos pics that not many folks seem to use these with the Liger. What gives? Is it unnecessary overkill? Does the Liger not allow reclaim to pass through? Should I forgo the pre-cooler/ash catcher stage of my rig as well?
Well, thanks to the immense amount of information on this thread from you helpful folks, I found myself ordering a V3 Liger Bundle Pack CCA has on sale right now.
For the most part, I thought I had found answers to all my questions somewhere in the depths of this thread, but after continuing to read, re-read, and compare opinions and photos... A sliver of doubt appeared in my mind. Not about the Liger itself, but the 30mm flat coil version.
I don't and ideally will not be taking very large dabs. I don't know what is considered microdab territory around here, but I'd say I usually hover at or just below 0.05g/dab. From time to time I'll toss in a .1 or .2, but not primarily.
From what I'm reading, the ID of an insert to the 30mm/Flat coil is 25.5mm.
I realise a 25.5mm surface is overkill in my case, but I'm wondering if it's to the point I'm just going to be upset with myself for not picking up the smaller, 20mm version?
With the sale price taken into account, switching over would be an additional $70 as well as the loss of the Tsunami cap/dabber - as I would prefer to use a clear cap eventually anyhow, that part doesn't bother me much. Many people here have expressed their difficulty tracking down a cap that properly seals the 30mm, though I did see one user say that supposedly the Terp Turners will cover bangers up to 45mm and aren't deep at all.
Cosmetically speaking, I much prefer the 30mm - both in terms of the products aesthetic and the ability to more clearly see the the product vaporize. Keep trying to remind myself that's not what this purchase is about though. It's about me hating torch based systems, as well as regular eNails. Beyond stoked to get onto a Liger, just hesitant about which to go with.
Ordered 30mm Liger. I take small dabs. Am I going to suffer immensely for not going with a 20mm instead? Is the experience ruined by microdabbing a 30mm?
Thanks for all the amazing information in this thread, been a huge help. Hope you all had a safe and warm Christmas and are looking forward to the New Year... I now have a reason to![]()
Use 2 Q-tips (both sides) after every dab! This is key as it will keep the insert very clean overall; just be sure to wipe/scrub before the oil turns black and starts to turn hard!
Consistent maintenance is key to cleaning the inserts as they experience the most wear-and-tear. When dabbing, keep your temperatures low: this way, you will be able to soak up the excess oil in the dish after each dab with a clean Q-tip. Temperatures that are too high will result in a dry, carbon “crust” building up in the bucket that can not be wiped out with a Q-tip.
Easiest and Most Efficient Way to Clean all Inserts:
- Find/Buy 2 eye-drop containers, fill 1 with distilled water & the other with 91%+ ISO
- With all your equipment installed (like you would have it if you were taking a dab), turn your E-nail down to 225° F
- Grab a stack of Q-Tips! You will need them handy for the next step
- Once the E-nail is at 225°, take your Distilled water dropper & carefully apply 1 drop at a time directly into the insert (Be-careful! It likes to quickly overfill!) {USE Q-TIPS IN CASE OF OVERFLOW}
- Once the water is almost finished boiling inside the insert, apply a single drop of ISO into the insert
- Scrub clean with your Q-tip before the ISO evaporates
- Repeat steps 4 – 6 as necessary. (I usually repeat it 2 or 3 times)
- Enjoy your perfectly clean surface!
I've been using the Sapphire for a few weeks now and I love the performance. I still have lingering questions about cleaning though. I do a pretty good job at maintaining, but every now and then I will still get some slight overflow and am still looking for some advice on how to completely clean.
Overflow would happen on my SiC too, I just wouldn't notice until I broke everything down to clean every week. The inside of the insert would be very clean, but I'd have some almost shiny residue on the outside of the insert still. With the SiC I would just torch the outside of it until clean while the Liger parts soaked in ISO and I would be good as new. I
I've got the same situation with the Sapphire every now and then, except now the insert is clear and I can see it when it occurs and builds up. I am scared to torch the expensive Sapphire as I did with the SiC. I have tried to soak in distilled water as recommended here, and then ISO overnight. It didn't help that much. This isn't exactly black carbon, it is like some dark brown baked on residue. I do a few repetitive soaks and try to rub with a paper towel to get some off, but it isn't perfect.
Any advice out there? I just don't want to damage the expensive insert so I have been hesitant to try anything else. Would it be safe to torch like the SiC? What about some sort of abrasive/scour pad to rub at the residue? Or is it only me even bothered by this!
CCA directions:
I've been using the Sapphire for a few weeks now and I love the performance. I still have lingering questions about cleaning though. I do a pretty good job at maintaining, but every now and then I will still get some slight overflow and am still looking for some advice on how to completely clean.
Overflow would happen on my SiC too, I just wouldn't notice until I broke everything down to clean every week. The inside of the insert would be very clean, but I'd have some almost shiny residue on the outside of the insert still. With the SiC I would just torch the outside of it until clean while the Liger parts soaked in ISO and I would be good as new. I
I've got the same situation with the Sapphire every now and then, except now the insert is clear and I can see it when it occurs and builds up. I am scared to torch the expensive Sapphire as I did with the SiC. I have tried to soak in distilled water as recommended here, and then ISO overnight. It didn't help that much. This isn't exactly black carbon, it is like some dark brown baked on residue. I do a few repetitive soaks and try to rub with a paper towel to get some off, but it isn't perfect.
Any advice out there? I just don't want to damage the expensive insert so I have been hesitant to try anything else. Would it be safe to torch like the SiC? What about some sort of abrasive/scour pad to rub at the residue? Or is it only me even bothered by this!
CCA directions:
I recently received my first Liger 3.0. I'm trying to get the essentials together for using and maintaining it. Can anyone recommend the best tool for removing and reinserting the 20mm inserts? Any other additional handy tools you recommend for best enjoying my new Liger? I already have a nice titanium dab tool. I'm waiting on a new Hex-nail to power it...
The Obsidian inserts are not on sale right now. Are they really 2-3 times better than the SiCs or should I just grab some extra SiCs and save a bunch?
So I got a dropdown adapter to help protect my piece while dabbing and help trap reclaim and keep it from infiltrating the main piece. I've recently noticed from videos pics that not many folks seem to use these with the Liger. What gives? Is it unnecessary overkill? Does the Liger not allow reclaim to pass through? Should I forgo the pre-cooler/ash catcher stage of my rig as well?
Seems I'm getting a 30mm whether I like it or not!
I never heard from CCA, however I received an e-mail 5mins ago from them saying my purchase has been shipped! Which is somewhat hilarious, given all the complaints I've heard about for how long it takes CCA to get products out the door, I figured I would have plenty of time to converse with them and sort out switching the 30mm for a 20mm. Shot them an email the morning after placing my order. I guess not as much time as I anticipated!
As I type this, I'm unboxing the 20mm coil/eNail I picked up for it
I was very prepared to not be using my Liger until late January or even into February, so even though the super duper quick shipping is nice to see - sucks to be me, LOL
For reference, I ordered late in the evening on the 25th. Shipped just now on the 28th.
EDIT: I may just add that I'm not outright upset, so hopefully no one sees this as just a whiney post. People here have made me pretty confident in either the 20 or 30mm versions, but dang I just know the 20mm is what I'm after.
EDIT EDIT: I shot an e-mail off to CCA just now to see what we can figure out as a solution. Really keen on the 20mm after hearing feedback from everyone here, so here's hoping it's all resolved with ease
So I just received another order from CCA710 and am disappointed with both my sapphire and obsidian inserts. The obsidian has a small bump in the middle of the dish that sticks out enough to feel easily when you run your nail over it. The sapphire dish isn't nearly as polished and uniform as the 30mm dish I was sent a couple weeks ago. The 20mm is scuffed all the way around with a pretty deep imperfection that you can easily see and feel on one side of the dish. I'm worried my $300 insert is going to crack at that point.
I'm curious if anyone else has experienced either of these issues with their inserts?
Thats TRASH. I wouldn't accept that at all.
All the posts about CCAs refusal to ship sub standard products and all their quality assurances come to mind when we see crap like this.
Thanks for your confirmation. I already wrote them an email asking for replacement dishes. I also agree with you about SiC vs. Obsidian. I've been using both SiC and Obsidian for a while now and actually prefer my SiC dish as the surface is just a little bigger.
You have a real tracking number or just a place holder number? CCAs typical method is giving you a number that doesn't become live for a few days to a few weeks before any product leaves their doors.
Dustin thank you for the email. The liger bundle was only for the flat coil liger. I talked with the owner as many people want to swap items out but I have been told this is the current bundle. We cannot swap anything out. Please let me know if you have any other questions![]()
Well, thanks to the immense amount of information on this thread from you helpful folks, I found myself ordering a V3 Liger Bundle Pack CCA has on sale right now.
For the most part, I thought I had found answers to all my questions somewhere in the depths of this thread, but after continuing to read, re-read, and compare opinions and photos... A sliver of doubt appeared in my mind. Not about the Liger itself, but the 30mm flat coil version.
I don't and ideally will not be taking very large dabs. I don't know what is considered microdab territory around here, but I'd say I usually hover at or just below 0.05g/dab. From time to time I'll toss in a .1 or .2, but not primarily.
From what I'm reading, the ID of an insert to the 30mm/Flat coil is 25.5mm.
I realise a 25.5mm surface is overkill in my case, but I'm wondering if it's to the point I'm just going to be upset with myself for not picking up the smaller, 20mm version?
With the sale price taken into account, switching over would be an additional $70 as well as the loss of the Tsunami cap/dabber - as I would prefer to use a clear cap eventually anyhow, that part doesn't bother me much. Many people here have expressed their difficulty tracking down a cap that properly seals the 30mm, though I did see one user say that supposedly the Terp Turners will cover bangers up to 45mm and aren't deep at all.
Cosmetically speaking, I much prefer the 30mm - both in terms of the products aesthetic and the ability to more clearly see the the product vaporize. Keep trying to remind myself that's not what this purchase is about though. It's about me hating torch based systems, as well as regular eNails. Beyond stoked to get onto a Liger, just hesitant about which to go with.
Ordered 30mm Liger. I take small dabs. Am I going to suffer immensely for not going with a 20mm instead? Is the experience ruined by microdabbing a 30mm?
Thanks for all the amazing information in this thread, been a huge help. Hope you all had a safe and warm Christmas and are looking forward to the New Year... I now have a reason to![]()
@Bullshift , you have a flat coil also right? Just making sure you have everything you need when the 30 arrives