I'll give some more feedback on the unit itself later later, but honestly, I agree with Baron23, these are teething problems for a small business scrambling to meet very large demands! I have watched plenty of similar companies go through the same process and it often causes problems. Problems with manufacturers also happen, I know Josh had some issues with his most recent ti delivery.
I remember very well when the same problem caused a lot of negativity towards d-nail too! It isn't their fault guys, titanium manufacturers seem to be prone to these kinds of fuck-ups. I know a number of vape manufacturers are bringing their titanium manufacturing in-house as a result, but this is very expensive and time consuming too so we can't expect Josh to implement alternatives like this overnight!
I think most folks need to realize that almost every vape company is a small business. Small businesses can get overwhelmed with too many customers and orders, this happens. Josh has kept in contact with me personally in a reasonably timely fashion on any delays etc! I should say that the time it took me setting the unit up the first time did include having to turn off my d-nail after it fully heated up with the liger intake screwed in too far to the banger dish. Also this included my typical iso/steam/high heat sterilization process of cleaning each part (mandatory for all new vape stuff in this herby household)!
Instructions will fix most issues with assembling the unit, the remaining issue (heater shroud) will be fixed when the final model comes in. I am actually glad that Josh has given us the washer as a stop-gap. It really is the best we can expect of him while he recoups from issues with the recent ti components.
I will not have any problem recommending Josh's products. There have been hiccups, but he makes it right, he hands out meaningful free stuff in consolation for things being delayed etc. I respect that. We don't always get it right the first time! There were a few accessories that came to me for free to make up for some issues which were greatly appreciated!
All in all, my experience has been positive, not perfect. That is no problem, I've honestly not had a perfect experience with many vape manufacturers. This owes to the industry being in its infancy and almost universally operating via small owner-operated businesses.
Hi Friend - Yes, but it seems you can open or close them in increments of whole integers (ain't that a high falutin way of saying it! haha). I see someone suggesting partially plugging a hole up with cotton but given their small size, I think one open hole is the best you can do short of all closed.
I supposed you could take a VERY small dab of JB Weld or the like and try to build it up to close off part of the first hole (maybe with very small dental probe haha) but I would not want something that janky. I'm not sure I could tell the difference between one hole and 1/2 hole open.
lol isn't that some fancy language man, I feel like I should doff my hat to you!

I appreciate the specific technical language though, it is easier to understand what you mean
I suggested plugging the hole with cotton originally

These holes are quite small compared to the d-nail cap though which makes them harder to plug (they really are tiny, not that this is a bad thing - actually small intake holes are a positive where airflow direction to the banger intake going into the rig is concerned for reasons I mentioned a few posts back).
BTW, never put jbweld or any glue onto something that sits on top of your e-nail lol. e-nails and carbs get far too hot to be in contact with household adhesives