Sapphire Powered Dabstronaut.
Just got the custom Augusthaus coil for my 30mm liger and WOW what a difference it makes!
With the d-nail extended life flat coil, i had to set 540F minimum on the controller for a milky hit with a bit of flavor loss and 515 - 525F for flavorful hit, but with a fair amount of puddle chasing.
with the Augusthaus coil (after only doing a few "test runs") I've been getting TOO MUCH milk at 520F with a bit of a rough hit and some flavor loss. I'm currently at 480F and STILL getting a very milky hit with minimal puddle chasing. i will be pushing for lower temps as i "experiment" further
i immediately notice what a big difference having that "cup" shaped coil around the insert makes for more efficient, fuller oil vaporization and flavor. in comparison with the d-nail extended flat coil i was using, the inferior heat distribution of the regular-shaped flat coil clearly shows itself. in my opinion, the flat coil doesn't heat the liger enclosure well enough. so, as you apply the carb cap and the oil hits the walls of the insert, it cools too much and doesn't vaporize enough when you're trying to push for minimal temp and maximum flavor.
i haven't tried the 20mm, but I'm guessing that having that barrel style coil does a lot for making the heat distribution and flavor better on the insert than a regular flat coil does on the 30mm, as it also creates that "cup" shape around it, but with the Augusthaus coil upgrade, I think the 30mm is now very much like a fat 20mm, as I'm assuming it was always designed to be. bigger surface with no loss in efficiency.
yeah, if you got a 30mm liger, you gotta get an Augusthaus coil. it's like night and day compared to the regular flat coil.
now, i'm even more excited for my hexnail HN-02 to arrive so i can try out this new coil with glob mode.
I just received my AugustHaus Coil and larger CCA shroud today too!
The coil is a beast.
The DNail flat I have has two wraps of heater; while the AH coils has six!
And the wraps get larger as the coil goes along (so 6 wraps is waaay more than 3x the heater of the 2 wraps); Hex-Nail flat has 3 wraps).
+ the AH coil has a cord that must be 10' long.
@Gn0sis, you'rw using a DNail controller, have you used the AH coil on a HN-01?
I'm awaiting a call back from Ava with Hex-Nail for a compatibility okay before I hook it up.
.... THIS JUST IN: @HexNailAva says wattage requirements for the larger coil are no problem.
I'm cooling down my nail now for a coil/shroud change over.
Super excited ... hoping this is a game changer.

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