Bummer. Another way to deal with this is to get an adapter like this:
They're common in the closed circuit TV trade, Radio Shack may well carry them too. With it you can cut the cord off a dead charger, strip the ends back and screw this connector on. You can then use the very common 12 VDC connector size (2.1 X 5.5mm) which you probably have on a battery charger or something similar all ready? You need an Amp or more, a common size. Lots of 'car cords' will then work as well.
This gets around the 'funny small size connector' thing.
you sir are the man... as usual. beer on me?

I just ran into a problem with my Solo after about a week. I plug it in to charge, and I get lights 1-3 blinking and a continuous beep. I tried doing a reset via an older post I found. I held down the buttons for 4 seconds after plugging it into the charger and then waited 10 seconds before unplugging. It didn't seem to do anything. Also, the light on my charger is red as it usually is. I emailed Arizer support, but I wanted to see if anyone here had some advice on getting it working.
yeah this problem seems to be popping up a lot lately. nothing you can do except get a new charger from my experience.
did the older Solo's have this issue? mine is a M1A3...