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  1. G

    Best website to buy a vape?

    i had a very easy transaction with vapenow all of my emails were answered promptly i would use them again without hesitation
  2. G

    My experience with the VHW.

    just realizing the flavors :brow: it reveals :cool: no other vape i've tried does that.. :D
  3. G

    My experience with the VHW.

    after just vaping up some tasty haze and then some sour diesel :brow: the vhw experiance is unsurpassed :cool: :cool: i just got some unbelievable hits using it :ko: :ko: its a awesome product :)
  4. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    yes, they are all glass and custom made they look like they fit very well in the pics.
  5. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    i agree those bowls look awesome and are some sweet pieces for sure! :cool:
  6. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    i just bought some glass daisies the other day to try out. :D
  7. G

    A Piece of Art: Just got my new Myrtlezap(lots of pictures included)!

    like that is gonna happen :lol:
  8. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    you can replace the screen with a glass screen or gauze if it bugs you :)
  9. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    thats one of its best features :brow:
  10. G

    Danica lost.........

    3rd place wasn't too shabby she is good enough to win it. she just needs a break or 2 and a little luck maybe next year
  11. G

    A Piece of Art: Just got my new Myrtlezap(lots of pictures included)!

    exactly and its your right to :rolleyes: and comment at what he says.. i think most if not all people who come here are intellegent enough to form thier own opinion/opinions without believing the first thing or claim that they read. or what one person says, no matter if its right or wrong...
  12. G

    A Piece of Art: Just got my new Myrtlezap(lots of pictures included)!

    he just stated his opinion you can give a million reasons why its wrong but at the end of the day it is what he thinks and he is entitled to think any way he wants no matter how unpopular it is. its called freedom of speech. making him say something else is taking that away from him :2c: i see...
  13. G

    A Piece of Art: Just got my new Myrtlezap(lots of pictures included)!

    i think the main reason would be availability ;) and madcap laughed i dig your user name! :cool:
  14. G

    The Magic-Flight Box

    And Gak Hater: I thought it was going to be a pain to carry around the batteries, and keep them charged, and keep track of which ones were new and which ones were used. It turned out to be a total non-problem, at least for me. Are you speaking from experience (i.e., you have a Box, and the...
  15. G

    The Magic-Flight Box

    there is a little more then that to my batt issue with it. then you also have to make sure all of them are fully charged and ready to go.. and not mix up the good ones with the dead ones when your out that can be a pita at least to me if your on the go and busy.. my digi camera had...
  16. G

    The Magic-Flight Box

    that is my major turnoff,i'm still on the fence with this one carrying around 8-10 batteries in my pocket if i go to a concert (i like to consume more then a bowl or two :D ) doesn't appeal to me that much,but i do like the fact you don't need a lighter or have to light something to make it work.
  17. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    the thing is thats all i have to compare with,that and a genie :lol: i've tried different ways of packin a stem, its just like you said i like big hits :D plus for me the warm up wait is a semi issue also (i'm away from home for very long periods of time from work) i just want to plug in and go...
  18. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    its my favorite also. the pd to me is like sucking on a milkshake thru a straw,eventually you give up on the straw and grab a spoon. the vrip delivers a much better volume alot faster plus the taste can't be beat. my pd is gathering dust... i see the gong vcb is now available :cool: now i have...
  19. G

    About an Illadelph spoon

    i was in the city today and made a trip out to ny gifts :brow: and i picked up one of these spoons :D its a little bigger then i thought it would be but its a sweet piece.:cool: i did get to look at some bongs and compare them price and thickness the one that impressed me the most was a us...
  20. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    i use a pyrex measuring cup,i was afraid of using anything else due to the heat.. damm some of those custom glass pieces look awesome. :o i wish i could get my hands on something like that :cool:
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