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  1. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    anything thru metal,wood,plastic seems to effect the taste of vapor or smoke somehow. thru glass it doesn't, thats the reason the vhw is the king of taste :brow: it looks like henny is finding out about it first hand :)
  2. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    there is a good pic of it on thier site if you are still confused shoot them an email thier cust service is great :)
  3. G

    The Magic-Flight Box

    thanks fried!:cool: mine came today :) after 2 trenchfulls of fooling around with it i have it figured out. i'm impressed .. :cool: it works better then expected :D and yes you can pull some damm heavy clouds if you leave the batt on for a bit. the only draw back is getting up enough batts to...
  4. G

    The Magic-Flight Box

    i should be getting a lb soon :) what is the aftermarket batt/charger of choice?? so many different ones i have seen mentioned in different threads here i'm not sure if the best can be figured out?????:/
  5. G

    Purple-Days availability

    click on the first link in SA's #35 post ;)
  6. G

    The best herb you have ever vaped?

    i try to avoid that at all costs :uhoh:
  7. G

    The best herb you have ever vaped?

    i would have to say sour diesel myself alltho i wish i could get my hands on alot of the strains mentioned in this thread :mad:
  8. G

    Herb Grinders

    my mendo was spotless also when i got it. i gave it an iso soak for the hell of it.
  9. G

    Herb Grinders

    like one of the grinder makers is gonna have an autoclave to use :lol: it would be the right way to do it..
  10. G

    The Magic-Flight Box

    you should never soak your plastic parts or pieces in iso you just found out why :o
  11. G

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    nope, i use it mostly when i'm low on nugg,it will come out every week or so for a days use then it gets tucked away until i run low again. it has been really humid and rainy here in the past month or so i wonder if that has something to do with it? i guess i will shoot tom an email, i hate...
  12. G

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    i have a question my pd has formed some cracks on the inside near the heat exchanger is this normal or something to worry about in the future?? :uhoh: they go pretty deep,the unit still works fine,i guess if they get worse i could always use a worm clamp to hold it together :uhoh:
  13. G

    Jiggling Ass Profile Pictures

    now we know who caves into to peer pressure :lol:
  14. G

    Purple-Days availability

    you must like swatting the nest :lol:
  15. G

    Purple-Days availability

    you are not missing anything ;)
  16. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    i'm so glad it was one of the first pieces of the pie that i ate :D its a awesome setup that has reaped me many cloudy rewards :ko:
  17. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    the vrip wand end fits right into the bowl real nice :brow: i packed a nice bowl and was suprisingly was pulling some heavy clouds with the wand :lol: god damm did i say i love this wand? it browned the stuff pretty nice it did seem to scorch it a little as the wand was really close to the...
  18. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    i used my magic vrip wand on this today and managed to pull some nice thick clouds off of it :lol::lol: :D
  19. G

    Why do you vaporize?

    health ... :| with over 30 years of smoking ciggs and weed it was time to quit vapors allow me to enjoy what i like most :brow:
  20. G

    VHW vs. PD

    i guess i can answer as i own both. my pd is collecting dust,the only thing i think that the pd is better at, is conserving. when my bud is low i break out the pd. if i had the choice between the 2 i would pick the vrip, the vapor quality and flavor is the best.:2c:
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