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  1. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    i second that,they have gone well beyond anything i ever expected :cool: i just sent back my broken wand today and let them know that it was on the way back to them they replied that they just sent out a replacement :o i never expected that and it speaks volumes about them. thanks sm 55 !!!
  2. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    thats why i didn't get upset at all i kinda knew this was an untried thing going in that hasn't been around very long you at least need some time to see how long these things will last or hold up or what the weakness's are to be able to make improvements towards a better product. i think vrip...
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    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    that was close to what i was thinkin of doing just the opposite :) just cut a small piece off the sleeve to make a small ring around the the end of the vhw
  4. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    sorry i missed this plus i have been away from home the past week and have been super busy well i first used it with 2 friends, it left a :cool: impression with them and me. for 3 bowls it was kickin my ass for sure with some awesome hits :ko: i don't own a big hitter vape until this...
  5. G

    iolite vaporizer

    thats the big money question around here :lol: i'm sure we will find out sooner or later
  6. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    some have had sucess as shown somewhere in this thread.. but i would say you would want one of thiers as it will give you the proper seal that you need for it to work the best... i'm sure when stonemonkey comes around he will fill you in.
  7. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    some of them have different size stems and others are made for a heatgun and others are for the heat wand. stonemonkey55 can tell you for sure whats what
  8. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    the brown santa came today!! :D i can't wait to put the new toy thru its paces! :brow: i won't have the chance until the weeked :ko: :mad: i will post up a review in a month or therebouts :cool: so i get the full story and feel for this badboy.. if first impressions mean anything its looking...
  9. G

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    thats why i wanted to hear it from tom first hand... things change fast. the ash sounds interesting, i like woods that are sort of like the tea tree, with the grain very pronounced and deep. maybe by the time i'm ready to get another,more and different woods will be available then.
  10. G

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    last time i was on the site i think it was a time that he had none available or was discontinuing a wood or two? i don't remember it was many tubes ago :D
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    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    i have had mine for 2 months now :brow: the only mishap was a clip and screen fell out of a tube outside of that the pd has performed flawless :) my brother even stole on me it for a few days :mad: i had to go get it,he was in no hurry to return it :lol: i have smoked the goodness for over 30...
  12. G

    Iinhale Changes its Name to Iolite

    could the name change be for reasons other then sales or image? like the sale of the buisness or a name flip for money reasons....:uhoh:
  13. G

    Discontinued Vaporstar portable vaporizer review

    i see them as two totally different animals myself one is a vapor bowl that needs something added to it to operate and the other a vapor pipe its like comparing an apple and a orange yes they are both fruit, but totally different...
  14. G

    Discontinued Magic Flight Launch Tube

    good things come to those who wait :D i would snap one up right now but i just made a couple of very large purchases and i need to recover from them first.:/ besides that my vrip order should be here any day :) i'm sure they will be getting an order from me in a month or so ;) when i do...
  15. G

    Discontinued Magic Flight Launch Tube

    if you ever need a beta tester, don't hesitate to let me know :lol: :) the product you have now is very interesting l and looks simple in design.. i definatly can't wait to hear some reviews!
  16. G

    Discontinued Magic Flight Launch Tube

    wow :cool: , i can't wait for a review or two of this puppy this is sort of what i have been looking for :) a efficient portable batt operated vape! the only drawback to me is the looks, as i wouldn't call it very stealthy looking. if it had that it would be exactly what i want! that could...
  17. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    i will have a review for ya soon mine should be comming any day now :)
  18. G

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    i just discovered something with my pd :D i was vaping some sweet kief :brow: that came from my mendo and after only taking a couple of hits from a stem i blew out the remains and it came out in a hard like disc that felt and looked like a soft blonde hash :cool: for the fuck of it i threw it...
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