Onward Thru the Fog
I couldn't agree more, though I do try not to mistreat them. I have four nice two-battery plastic holders (as well as a bunch of four and eight battery holders), and I find I use the two-battery holders the most. When everything is in the storage pouch (mine is bigger than the one I see in the picture showing the shipping version), it doesn't matter, but when I put the Box and the battery holder in my pocket, the two-battery holder is much easier to carry. Carrying around a handful of AA batteries is SO much easier than carrying around a spare can of butane!duh said:I 'mis-treat' my rechargeables all the time. I don't fully discharge, I accidentally charge ones that have already been charged, I mix them up. So what? At CVS, they're a couple of dollars to add new ones to the 'rotation'.
And Gak Hater: I thought it was going to be a pain to carry around the batteries, and keep them charged, and keep track of which ones were new and which ones were used. It turned out to be a total non-problem, at least for me. Are you speaking from experience (i.e., you have a Box, and the battery part is a pain), or from what you think will happen?
This is exactly what I've found as well. Not good anywhere I am likely to be searched, but absolutely the best thing when no odor is mandatory, and time is of the essence. I don't use any tube, and holding the Box in my hand up to my mouth is mostly visually stealthy.kingcrimson said:Personally I can get plenty toast off on a single trench, and I by no means consider myself a light user ? I vape hash oil folks. But of course I enjoy the act of vaping almost as much as the effects so the idea of carrying my LB and a pack of batteries into a concert is unlikely..[snip]..However, I would use my box at work, in my office, next to expensive gear where I couldn?t normally smoke, on set when everyone goes out for a smoke break, its small enough to the ignored as a cig.
We must have the same OCD. I noticed the same thing, and had exactly the same feelings/reaction. Not all of my variations of load have this characteristic. I can usually tell when I open the top of my aluminum grinder. If some of the ground load is sticking to the sides of the grinder, I know I will be able to flip it over in the Box, intact, at the half way point. (By the way, did you really mean that yours is brown on top and green on the bottom? When one of my loads is half way done, it's green on the top and brown on the bottom, which is the opposite of what you said. To make myself clear, my loads get brown on the screen side first.)kingcrimson said:One of my favorite things is when the trench of avb remains clumped together after a hit, and you can just flip it, brown on top and green on bottom. The simplicity and cleanliness of the procedure appeals to my OCD brain, lol. Of course shaking and inverting works excellently but to get a neat little ingot of herb that you can just pick up and flip is to me silly and one of the more fun things about the box.
I have more than two dozen AA NiMH batteries, of all types. (I use them for more than just the Box and Launch Tube). I prefer the Energizer batteries because of their smaller crimp ring at the top. The batteries that have a large crimp ring tend to hang up (catch) on the circular negative terminal of the Box when I completely insert or remove them. I don't know if that's because I modified the ring on my beta unit or not; let me know if you noticed the difference between the MF supplied batteries (which have a wide crimp) and the Energizers. Still, if I had it to do all over again, I'd probably just buy 2100mAh low self discharge cells (Sanyo EnerLoop type). I carry eight batteries in my "pouch" and I've never needed all of them except once. Standard NiMH batteries self discharge rapidly and I have to remember to top them off if I haven't used them for a week or two. For a while I thought using 2800 or 2900 mAh batteries would prove useful, but it really hasn't made a difference, so I sort of regret not getting the low self discharge type.kingcrimson said:I bought and use 4 Duracell 2400mah rechargeables and 10 Energizer 2600 mah rechargeables (2 came with my 15 min fast charger that I also got) and the other 8 came in a pack. Plus the 2 that came with the LB, and I have yet to be able to go through all 12 batteries in a single go. I have a hard time getting through 4 even, honestly.
I don't even worry about dropping it. Nothing much to break, is there.kingcrimson said:It has survived several (so painful) drops and falls out of my pocket, not a scratch on it, and that little brush is invaluable for clearing the screen, so glad Duh asked for that to be included.

It's so interesting to read the varied comments from everyone; seeing reactions that exactly agree with what I've found, and counterintuitive insights that I'd never thought to try, but prove to be 100% on the money. I am a devout lover of kief and hash, but I haven't tried either yet in the Box. I'd love to hear your experiences. Thanks for the great review!
With all the different methods we have all come up with, using different tubes (or no tube), different packing and loading methods, different breathing techniques, different battery inserting techniques, etc., and with some of us being light recreational users and others being heavy duty experienced medical users, there is one thing that every single user has said: "I get really blasted when I use the Box"
Vape is Good.