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  1. G

    AB 390-legalization of Marijuana in Caiforna

    yes things are looking up but you have to realize some people's veiws on pot are still VERY negative. also the war against pot is BIG buisness to lawyers,cops,and jails and the gov. that makes them alot of money. do you know the towns get paid for every prisoner taken to the county jail around...
  2. G

    AB 390-legalization of Marijuana in Caiforna

    ahh not to start an argument but what got us out of the great depression was ww2 other things might of helped a little, but the war is what really saved us.... i also think its a snowballs chance in hell this will be passed anytime soon. more of a ignorant (in marijuana facts) generation in...
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    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    it looks like a purple days was run over by a truck and left in the sewer :lol:
  4. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    any eta or price on the new watertool???
  5. G

    Iolite Beta testing

    i will second that :D
  6. G


    i finally took my teak out and gave it a try :cool: it took a little getting used to:/ after the 3rd bowl i think i have it down:ko: it works ok after you figure out just how much heat you need to get a good rip out of it without over doing it.. it does give some nice rips i used a cricket...
  7. G


    i got one of the teak exotics,i haven't had the chance putting it to use yet i was too busy enjoying my new pd to even try it out..:lol: i will try it out in the next day or two as long as my vrip set up doesn't come thru before then. so many new toys :D damm this vape stuff is soo addicting :ko:
  8. G

    Recent Acquisitions - Post Your New Pieces Here

    i was gonna say the bag looked a little light :lol: nice bong :)
  9. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    you have to expect some growing pains when you are going where you haven't been before. sm55 and mark seem like stand up guys jumping right on the problems as they occur instead of ignoring them and hoping they would go away. i know when i get my setup, i have no worries if something goes wrong...
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    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    hey sm55 could you check in your emails for one from me that wanted to add to my order??,i haven't heard back yet on it,thanks
  11. G

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    does this mean a new version of the stems will be available soon??:cool: i just wanted to give out a shout to tom for making a very nice product.. you have another very satisfied customer here.. i really don't have much to add that already hasn't been talked about already in this thread. i look...
  12. G

    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    hello all, i'm a 35 year veteran marijuana consumer :brow: in my late 40's:) and a huge pink floyd fan(over 35 live shows :ko: ) i reciently quit cigg smoking and on my way to drasticly cut out smoking alltogether by vaping.. i had heard about it for a long time but was sort of skeptical but...
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