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  1. G

    How Much Do You Pay For Bud?

    i was getting some haze that was awesome for 65 a 1/8 but that came to an end because he got busted :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: now all i can get is garbage 100 bucks for an z :mad: :mad: my consumption goes way down because i hate the crap i get now i sure live in the wrong freakin place :(...
  2. G


    if i had to choose between the two i would go with the genie, you can get bigger hits off it then you will with the launchbox. the launchbox will win in the stealth dept and for me the batteries can be a pita sometimes and limit you unless you spend a bit more for aftermarket batteries which...
  3. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    i would second the vt1 adjustment that max pointed out my wand did the exact same thing until i made a few adjustments once i dialed it in :ko: :brow:
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    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    i just put my new bm slide thru its paces today :brow: hard to believe but it seals as well as the vrip bowl does with the silicone :2c: the outer ring opening of the bm slide seems to mate up perfectly to the open end of the wand, putting your fingers over the intake holes while drawing...
  5. G

    Purple-Days availability

    whoaa :o a shrunken head in the fish tank! :ninja:
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    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    it doesn't need to go on any further i would have to force mine to get even that far :o the o ring provides a good seal i just push mine on just enough to compress the o ring
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    Let's Make Some T-shirts

    if a nice female is wearing it i don't care if i seem rude :cool: :D
  8. G

    Let's Make Some T-shirts

    good choice in color ;) white never stays clean and black gets too hot in the summer the only thing is i wish you had xxl as i like my shirts too large..
  9. G

    Let's Make Some T-shirts

    sold.. so who is gonna make it?:/
  10. G

    Starting a Vaporizer Company - Name the company and get a free vape!

    i was just gonna post the same thing :lol:
  11. G

    Let's Make Some T-shirts

    a vapor zone shirt would be cool i would rather have f combustion on it myself :/
  12. G

    This economy sucks.

    we might have to have a fc meet up some day :)
  13. G

    Discontinued Supreme Vaporizer

    i asked that because you seemed to know the maker by first name and by some of your claims... one other question how many other vapes do you own/have tried??? one thing that i just can't seem to grasp is the claim "Flavor intensity/purity is the best I've ever had from a vaporizer" when the...
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    Discontinued Supreme Vaporizer

    kumar are you connected to or friends of the company in any way? some of your claims are hard for me to grasp :/
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    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    no not at all,i could ramble off a bunch of vapes that don't work with hash but then i have read about them instead of assuming. your dissapointment is understandable.. the finger pointing isn't :rolleyes:
  16. G

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    it should be no biggie,the vape is very popular and in heavy demand, so list it up here used and in a day or two you will recoup most if not all your loot. then start a good vape for hash thread and you will be on the path to getting what you...
  17. G

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    i should of known :doh:
  18. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    thats why i bought a second wand at the intro price :) just in case :uhoh:
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