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  1. G

    Pontiac, makers of the famous GTO, is dead.

    how about one of these :brow:
  2. G

    About an Illadelph spoon

    i'm getting closer :lol: where in the city is it? i might be up there in a month or so. :)
  3. G

    About an Illadelph spoon

    ok you teased us with pics :lol: where can you get one and how much did it set ya back?:cool:
  4. G

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    :uhoh: i might of hit the vhw once too many times tonight :ko: :lol:
  5. G

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    i feel bad that a monster is how tom discribes this :( his product brings alot of joy and i'm sure he enjoys the product also tom, you really shouldn't feel this way, one of my hobbies is restoring mucsle cars some of the higher demand vendors (trim restorers,componant rebuilders) put lead...
  6. G

    What was your favorite psychedelic song ?

    i like many of them , its hard to choose just one for me :uhoh: but you only want one, so its echoes by pink floyd. i also like iwein's choice, vannila jarred my memory bank i saw them play a tv taping for vh1 in ac about 4 years ago warming up for the doors with ian astbury of the...
  7. G

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    i paid 150 for my first one and plan on getting a second down the road. 30 bucks, hell even 100 bucks more won't deter me at all.:) you get what you pay for in this world :2c: it takes the man 4 hrs to make one, plus at least another hr with the shipping/payment bs so now you have 5 hrs of his...
  8. G

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    my cherry unit has worked flawlessly everytime :brow: :ko: even just a few min ago :D :ko: where the cord goes into my unit has never been hot at all :/ it even worked outside on my porch in 20 degree weather :cool: i just let it warm up a little longer. it did seem to run a little hotter in...
  9. G

    questions on vapor genie, eterra, grinding and medical info.

    i like my teak exotic, it is a little bulky to carry around but its solid and works great. :brow: first thing i did was loose the mouth piece, it works much better without it and will give you better control on your draw and it also makes it a little shorter. i know if i wanted to i could...
  10. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    after further review and playin with this new toy :brow: this thing rocks :brow: :ko: i'm very happy i made this choice imo don't hesitate if your thinkin about it the vapors of the haze i put in it taste mighty good and do the job well :ko: and during a bowl they get too thick to be able to...
  11. G

    Herb Grinders

    i like my mendo :) my mendo rips it up real fast, the stickier the bud it might take a little longer but it makes short work of anything i have put in it it is also a kief machine :cool: :brow: i'm amazed :o what amount it will yield from just puttin a half oz thru it. i got a small paint...
  12. G

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    my replacement arrive today :) before i even turned it on i adjusted everything to seal up the bowl to the wand making sure the seal was good pulling air thru the inlet really nice. i heated it up in a pyrex measuring cup for 10 min then cut back the heat 50 percent and gave it a go.pulling...
  13. G

    The first ever Fuck Combustion meet up!

    here is one from jersey :)
  14. G

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    i think we have to stop recommending the pd to newbies or we won't be able to secure any more for ourselves!! :lol:
  15. G

    What Vape(s) do you Own?

    in order :brow: genie teak pd cherry vhw/pro wt on the wish list :cool: magic flight tube iolite pd ash herbo as you can see i'm not a fan of bags/whips
  16. G

    question for the iolite beta testers

    are there any beta testers out there that can elaborate on any improvements for the i-inhale/iolite?????
  17. G

    Best online shops for bongs? (ROOR, Lux, Illadeph etc)

    thanks !,now i have a couple of places to check out :brow:
  18. G

    Best online shops for bongs? (ROOR, Lux, Illadeph etc)

    info for artifax is in the link i provided ;) do you know the address for wonderland???
  19. G

    Best online shops for bongs? (ROOR, Lux, Illadeph etc)

    i do know of a place that was highly recommended to me,i have never been there yet its in philly. i'm inbetween philly and ny so its not that far away to me . i do have to go to philly in a couple of months when i do get to check it out i will report back on it...
  20. G

    Best online shops for bongs? (ROOR, Lux, Illadeph etc)

    i'm not in ny, but about an hr away any places to recommend in the big apple the next time i make the trek??
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