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  1. wilf789


    Agreed mate. Some friends of mine produce drum-n-bass, some even with a few releases on vinyl and mp3, and they always talk about the complexity necessary in making a good dnb tune. Layer upon layer of sub bass and snare kicks etc - all takes a long time to put together just right. A lot of...
  2. wilf789


    Big fan of Subscape - we even booked him a couple of times for dubstep/dnb nights over the last few years. Personally, like others here who have been listening to dubstep for at least 3 years now, I think people like Skrillex ruined it. He may not have been the first by a long shot but he...
  3. wilf789

    Question Regarding Blood Tests During Hospital Visits, etc

    Good point about work-related accidents. But considering how long MJ stays in your system, the person who had the fork-lift accident might not have even consumed for a week or two beforehand, and maybe only at a weekend etc. Now of course this may well not matter to your employer, but aren't...
  4. wilf789

    Rate the song above you! (All Genres)

    4/10. Sorry mate, I actually really like dubstep, just not the kind of style that has been commercialised over the last few years. I know it can be really annoying when people say stuff like this, but when it was first starting out it was so much better. People got far too obsessed with trying...
  5. wilf789

    My Stash

    Agreed - Such choice and prices are one of the main reasons I want to move to BC early next year!
  6. wilf789

    Rate the song above you! (All Genres)

    9/10! Feather is one of my favourite ever Nujabes songs, absolutely love that piano sample - so beautiful. Completely agree about expanding horizons too, there are very, very few musical genres that I don't listen to at least once in a while - mainly pop and the shite that gets played on the...
  7. wilf789

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    Received my Ebony LB stem yesterday and while I'll have to wait another week before I can actually use it, it is just as beautiful as I expected it to be coming from the master carpenter himself, Ed. Great customer service, fast shipping, lovely piece of wood - what more could you honestly...
  8. wilf789

    Do you ever dream about your vaporizer?

    Yep I've noticed for years now that MJ, especially when consumed right before bed, blocks either my ability to dream or to remember them - which when you wake in the morning is pretty much the same difference. Confirmed by the fact that now I'm on over a month's tolerance break, and every...
  9. wilf789

    London's Burning

    Surprisingly insightful article in today's Guardian by comedian/actor Russell Brand. Sure, he uses rhetorical flourish to enhance his slightly more debatable points, but the essence of his argument remains one of the key issues...
  10. wilf789

    Laptop question

    A member of my family is head of IT for a large law firm in London and has always referred to Dells as the 'disposable cameras' of the laptop world. They give them to the old partners so that if (and when) they break them they're not too much of a cost to the firm as a whole. I've often also...
  11. wilf789

    London's Burning

    The one good thing to come out of all of this is the response of the great British sense of community and humour. Alongside the Facebook groups that have got people out today to help with the clean-up, or just to protest against the rioters by staying at home and having a cup of tea, there have...
  12. wilf789

    London's Burning

    In some ways I'm proud that the police haven't had to resort to using rubber bullets and gas etc, just batoning those that get too close. A lot of upset people have obviously been calling for it, even saying the army should be brought in, but I reckon that would just pour gas on the flames and...
  13. wilf789

    London's Burning

    Spread across the entire country by tonight. Even Manchester's being widely looted and burnt (a friend of mine was working in one of the shops when it was set on fire) and a police station in Nottingham's been petrol bombed. All of this is just so fucked up - The shit situation these kids grew...
  14. wilf789

    London's Burning

    No-one's denying that a lot of this is thuggery or condoning the violence, but I think the more important issue is why so many people have got involved and what motivated them to. There's no easy answers in any of this, whether you simply think they're 'chavs' or whether you blame it on the...
  15. wilf789

    London's Burning

    Violence and looting continued through the night, spreading to five other cities in the country. It has polarised opinion on whether these people had some sort of cause or whether they are just 'scum' or 'feral rats' - phrases which are being used a lot. In the words of one our most...
  16. wilf789

    London's Burning

    I'm starting to get very worried that this will all eventually lead to some kind of V for Vendetta style situation where everyone is so afraid that they let the government do whatever they want...
  17. wilf789

    London's Burning

    This woman from Hackney, one of the areas most affected, sums up the views of most Londoners in a quite extraordinary speech made in the midst of it all: Some of the comments people are posting (Twitter and Facebook are exploding - even being blamed for inciting...
  18. wilf789

    London's Burning

    Not sure if in other countries the news has picked up on this yet, but London is turning into a war-zone at the moment. On Saturday a riot in North London started after police shot dead a man last Thursday who was supposedly in possession of a gun himself. Since it happened rumours began...
  19. wilf789

    The FC Meme Thread!

    Goes out to all the silly wreck-heads at all the parties over the years. Based on the very funny vid:
  20. wilf789

    The best herb you have ever vaped?

    Super Lemon Haze in the MFLB = sexual Blue Cheese in the SSV = K.O.'d
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